As you may recall - I've had to order a new washing machine because the other one went phutt..........

This morning the phone went nice and early [I have told you that I'm not a morning person haven't I?] well they told me that they would be here in 15 minutes which meant a very quick dash to the loo and then getting dressed and downstairs. I managed to reach the hallway just as the phone rang again and they informed me that they were outside the door............... they weren't!!! - they'd gone next door instead, so that gave me about 2 minutes to get to the back door to let them in.

A nice young man came in and proceeded to disconnect the old washing machine but then discovered that the hot water valve was stuck and hot water was constantly dripping out of it. So the hot water has been running all the time out of the pipes, into the washing machine and out through the hose pipe - no surprises then that it split because of the scalding water being constantly going through the rubber hose and sump.

Anyway they weren't plumbers so couldn't repair it, so I put the hose to drip into a bucket, which rapidly filled up - yikes, so I put it to drip into the sink.

Another very nice man came along and brought my new washing machine and the two lads proceeded to install it. It's roughly the same size as my old one, but has a lot more settings than the other one and I've already done a wash, which took 28 minutes - amazing.

Then an hour after they left, my plumber from before came along and 'blanked' off the hot water pipe to stop it dripping. So now I've only got the sink hot water tap to take any hot water from the boiler. My shower is one that heats up the water as it comes through, and now my washing machine has a cold water fill, so maybe I don't need the boiler to be working daily.

That's it I hope for my major items to go wrong. I will get a DVD recorder when I can afford it, but it'll be quite a while before I'm going to be able to see a film. I've got a sneaky feeling that I just might have a player somewhere - probably in the 'spare room' LOL.