Articles by D Bannister, Isle of Luing.


  • Why

    - 11 years ago - 1 comment
    This is my endeavour to log the Wildflowers ((and blossoms) of my home on The Isle of Luing, Argyll. I have limited knowledge of the subject of flora and fauna, neither was i an enthusiast. However compiling this record is becoming a compulsive learning curve. So why do it, I Just love taking photo's of flowers, or anything else for that matter. A period of immobility has made me stay in one place for a period of time, so I have tried to get organised. The information that goes with each pho…

  • Isle of Luing

    - 04 Jun 2013
    Luing (Gaelic: Luinn) is one of the Slate Islands, Firth of Lorn, in the west of Argyll in Scotland, about 16 miles south of Oban. It has a population of around 170+ people, mostly living in Cullipool, Toberonochy (Tobar Dhonnchaidh), and Blackmillbay. A regular ferry service crosses the 200 m wide Cuan Sound which separates Luing from the neighbouring island of Seil, which is in turn connected by bridge to the mainland. The main industries on Luing are tourism, lobster fishing and beef farmi…

  • Wort

    - 02 Jun 2013
    You may notice that many wildflowers have the suffix 'Wort' Wikipedia explains..... According to the Oxford English Dictionary's Ask Oxford site, "A word with the suffix -wort is often very old. The Old English word was wyrt, from German origins that connect it to root. It was often used in the names of herbs and plants that had medicinal uses, the first part of the word denoting the complaint against which it might be specially efficacious...By the middle of the 17th-century -wort was beginnin…