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Publication date  /  2007   -   19 articles

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  • Suckr.

    - 18 Jun 2007
    Es scheint so, als ob yahoo das Thema aussitzen wird. Ich werde mich also mal hier ein wenig einrichten und schauen ob ich es mir gemütlich machen kann....

  • HopHop

    - 20 Jun 2007
    Nachdem ich mich gestern ein wenig abgemüht habe Bild für Bild hochzuladen: GM-Script installiert und der Umzug läuft wie geschmiert. Respekt! Hier fühlt man sich abgeholt, ca c´est trés bien, alors je pense il n´y a pas longtems de payer le pro account.

  • Thanks for nothing!

    - 21 Jun 2007 - 1 comment
    Ok. The latest news I´ve found in help and groups in this suckr thing, were the last point. Giving german users a candy about setting the filtr to moderate, uhhh I am impressed. Nothing about the big mess itself, still deleting accounts of protesters and

  • It is done!

    - 24 Jun 2007
    I am happy now, transferred all my suckr-images arranged them in albums. Unfortunatley the geotags got lost :-( I suffer with those used flickr for a long time, I was only a short term user before they get so nasty that I want to leave. So it was only 84

  • Sony cybershot

    - 25 Jun 2007 - 1 comment
    Maybe you all have some fun (or feeling sorry) with actual flickr camera stats:   Those graphs can not be censrd, or, this will be really a hard work to. If you have a look to Canon, Nikon, Leica: All is going down, down, down. The winner is: Sony

  • hmmm, bags are required....

    - 28 Jun 2007
    ... but equipment is nice. Hatte am Wochende mal das Nikkor 18-200 mm in der Hand (und auf dem Apparat). Schon geil, eigentlich. d/392/overview.html Jetzt hadere ich mit mir. Das geht mal voll auf die

  • Ready for next year...

    - 28 Jun 2007 - 2 comments
    ... in my life. It was not the best, thinking about love. It was fantastic at work and all in all not really bad, so I am in a good mood for the next year. People left my life without a explanation and without a reason, but others I like very much,

  • Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

    - 24 Jul 2007 - 3 comments
    Today is a happy day! *happy* *herumhüpf*

  • Ja wie geil ist das denn?

    - 27 Jul 2007 - 1 comment
    Habe heute einfach mal so einen Selphy geschenkt bekommen! Zack Zack und die Postkarte ist am Start. Geiiiil!

  • The Blitz Contest - #2: Winner Roberto Ballerini

    - 31 Jul 2007 - 16 comments
    The Winner is Roberto Ballerini with 6 Points 48 hours to post a shot; 48 hours to vote. The winner will host next Blitz Contest. Every shot can participate to only a Blitz Contest. WHY BLITZ? Ok for me as a german this term is somehow a little bit

  • No more Pro...

    - 06 Aug 2007 - 8 comments
    .. at flickr. My mail to flickr-staff. Sorry I have no time to translate... Sehr geehrte Frau Sterl, Wie die Diskussionen der letzten Zeit gezeigt haben legt yahoo & flickr sehr viel Wert auf proaktive und übereifrig ausgelegte

  • Away...

    - 11 Aug 2007 - 1 comment
    I will be away for a week, visiting Split this time. I travel by car with some friends and I do not know them all. This will be great fun a am sure! Having two weeks vacation is something what I do not had for a long time, I could not remember when it

  • Timeout...

    - 17 Aug 2007
    from holiday internet abstinence, sitting for a morning coffe in a bar with wlan. Really bad connection, so I have to be fast. It was really a long travel in the car to this place, but it was worth the wait: Eating grilled fish, having czech beer,

  • Tried the audio feature

    - 08 Sep 2007
    Inspired by the slideshow of scab I finally detected how to put some music to a slideshow. Nice. It would be much more nice if I could decide which music in which album will be played in which order. What I do not understand: If I opened the full

  • Moo!

    - 27 Oct 2007 - 6 comments
    Diese Woche sind sie eingetroffen, meine Moo-Cards! Die Kärtchen sind einfach schön, wenn das Upload nur nicht so ewig dauern würde! But they love to print .-) Um wirklich viele unterschiedliche hinzubekommen, musste ich bei der Beschränkung auf 50MB

  • Disappeared

    - 08 Nov 2007 - 1 comment
    I wondered that I did not see any longer news from Helmut. Now I have seen that his account must be completely deleted. This is really a pity! I liked his work and I had so many faves of him :-(( What is happening?

  • Congratulation: Climbing the Million

    - 19 Nov 2007 - 4 comments
    The Million upload, if no one has remarked it: :-)  

  • Fröhliche Weihnachten / Bonne Noël / Merry Christmas / Vésely Vánoce

    - 24 Dec 2007 - 1 comment
    Merry Christmas! My present for you: A really big version of the Nativity Façade of the Sagrada Familia which I made on my last visit in Barcelona... I am really thankfull for all your visits and friendly comments in the last year. I wish all health,

  • Weihnachten ist vorbei: Jetzt gehts erst los!

    - 30 Dec 2007 - 1 comment
    Für alle nicht englisch Sprechende und Unfrankophilen hier mal von meiner Seite der Aufruf einem guten Iper-Freund, Iper-Promoter und Iper-Verrücktem einen Traum zu ermöglichen: Die Nikon D300! Was dazu nötig ist: Den inneren Schweinehund überwinden und