So why am I on line you might ask? Well, I just can't help but stop by and say Good Morning to all my friends here...

Rick has already left the house to go on a Motorcycle run done by the town Rotary.. He'll be out of the house till at least 2pm which is good as that gives me the peace to get done as I wish... I am going to bake a Date nut loaf bread today. Been meaning to give it a try but just got a recipe from Nancy that I think should work nicely.. Have to get to the store and buy some Italian bread to bring with me to my sisters. We are going there for dinner this evening.. I'll need the bread to fill up on... Lets just say her cooking leaves a little to be desired and I will bring some Zantac(antacid) with me also! Love my sister but she just really has no desire to cook so she just throws whatever together. Sometimes I'm surprised my brother in law and niece and nephews have survived without serious intestinal harm.. When the holidays come and it's her time to host, myself, her children and my daughter all volunteer to bring part of the meal. Sometimes we've done so well we've left nothing for her to make! Which then works out perfectly as we all actually enjoy the meal! As an example of her cooking the last time she made the stuffing she just opened a box of stuffing the kind that is like small chunks of dried bread and made that.. Well she didn't actually add the other ingredients (like water!) as far as we could tell because it was literally a bowl of dried crumbles! We asked her what the heck it was supposed to be and her answer was that "Of course it was the stuffing. Bobby, (Her husband) likes it a bit dry"... I imagine he only likes it that dry if he needs to clear his colon! Great fiber!

Also I need to go get gas for the car today.. Wonder what that will cost! Again the cost goes up nearly daily. And here from October 1 to April 1 they use a mix of ethanol with the gasoline. Which makes the mileage worse. Somehow this year the company that makes this stuff convinced (I think by a big bribe) the EPA that they should jump the mix from a 15% to 30% blend.. So now it's even worse.. Truth is the ethanol doesn't do a damn thing for the environment! But I'm sure it does something for those involved in the production!

And naturally I must do some cleaning.. The house is vacuumed daily to keep the dog hair under control. I'm a bit anal retentive regarding that... And the other normal daily cleaning routines must be done before we go to my sisters this afternoon. There are plenty of incidentals also but I'll get to them all..

So on that note, I'm off! Have a lovely day and I will be back tomorrow!