They canceled my daughters trip to Tokyo.. She's not very upset as it fell on her and my husbands birthday.. Plus she wouldn't have known anyone on this trip.. Her biggest regret is that she won't get those air miles & get to Platinum level just yet! :-) Me, I am sorry she lost this opportunity, although I think it will come again, but glad she will be with us for the birthdays..

Personally I think her Director put the cabosh on it.. My girl is smart but a little naive when it comes to the business world yet.. Since her Director had never been asked I think she was jealous. I'm saying this by the way she told Amanda about the trip.
"Apparently in the current "everybody loves Amanda" mode, you've been selected to go to Tokyo". Her boss has been with the company for nearly 20 years. She's worked to get where she is although she has no College degree.. She's very lucky she's gotten this far without it, as it's rare here for anyone to make upper management without it. And I personally think it's great that she has gotten to her position by knowledge alone..But Amanda has only been w/the company 6 years and she is moving fast. Partly due to her personality and work ethic. And a big part is because she does have her degree in both Business Management and Marketing.

I listen to what my daughter tells me about this woman. She befriends my daughter, but I truly believe that sometimes she just blows smoke up her butt! I think she's perfectly happy to have Amanda BEHIND her in promotions! And I think she enjoys having a young, pretty girl to help attract men to them. It's a very social network type of business.. She drags Amanda to many lunch and dinners. Also a fair amount of things outside the work environment.. The woman is in her early 40's and although married, likes to "flirt" and maybe a bit more....Like I said, my girl doesn't see all this. But if you wouldn't dream of being less than truthful with your friends or whomever, you know she has a hard time to conceive of it from others.. I just think she should watch her back with this one.. I may be wrong, I hope I'm wrong, but I see things a bit differently as I've had a lot more years in the business world. And as the saying goes "Things aren't always what they seem".