Frank J Casella's most read articles


    - 1 107 visits
    Family and Friends
    What makes Ipernity an online photo sharing community that works? Read my take on this important and timely subject.

  • The Importance of Writing, and Reading

    - 490 visits
    Talking at the Park
    I make a case for writing my thoughts on ipernity, and bringing my readers here to then share it. (updated August 21, 2020)

  • Going Deeper

    - 445 visits
    Bird Cottage
    How to communicate your work.

  • Shadow Light and Lines

    - 414 visits
    Shadows, light & lines captures the eye from this weathered wall. Believe it or not, this photo was made with the iPad Mini camera. Something that I always love to see is elements that create strong composition in the square format. The morning sunlight through the trees casts a shadow onto the wall of this vintage garage in my neighborhood. The vertical lines provided by the plants create an added touch of the grid pattern needed to complete this moment in time. I chose black and white bec…


    - 347 visits
    iPhones and Rainbows
    In this day and age of technology you’ll never miss a picture of a rainbow. Digital cameras changed photography, and now smart phones are changing digital cameras. Yet, not too long ago my camera of choice was a Pentax and not an iPhone. But now the iPhone camera is becoming competitive, if not superior, to the DSLR or especially the Point and Shoot camera. I tried using Android phone cameras, and in my tests there is much more attention going into the iPhone camera by Apple than by Sams…

  • WordPress Aquires Tumblr

    - 325 visits
    Sports Half-Time
    Micro blogging site Tumblr was recently bought by the comany who owns WordPress. But, I maintain that having a blog on ipernity is best of all.

  • Photo Sharing, Following, and Making Contacts

    - 293 visits
    Basketball is not exactly at the top of the list for contact sports. However, it is, like all sports, as much about making contacts as it is about the game. How we treat our teammates, and other teams we play, says a lot about our character, integrity, ethics, and morals. And we need to be the same off the court, field, etc. as we are on it. It's all about developing relationships, and helping each other make it through life .. some people call it teamwork or networking. For example, y…

  • ipernity Copyright Protected vs. All Rights Reserved

    - 289 visits
    Questions about our works since the European Parliament adopted the copyright reform

  • Picture of Hope Day 2: Waiting

    - 287 visits
    Waiting for the Train
    Day 2. I will share a blog post here every day for one week, and I will do this on Monday, 8 July, 2019 through Saturday, 13 July, 2019. I invite you to come back and follow this blog for some uplifting pictures, inspiration, and hope.


    - 279 visits
    Day of Interment
    Pictures that tell a story in situations that call for you to be like a fly on the wall.

  • Watermark Myths

    - 275 visits
    There has been some talk around here about the use of watermarks. I have never had to use them, so I thought I would look into it and let you all know what I found out. Firstly, at present all of the websites that I post my images on are for photography or photographers, so they have the security measures of the right-click-save disabled, and so forth. But after this was brought up here, and I looked into it, I decided it might be about time I start doing adding a watermark also. One myth…

  • Planting Seeds

    - 260 visits
    When it comes to plants, there is a certain way to plant seeds that will produce abundant growth and life from the plant. In life, whether we plant seeds with self or others, the results can be the same. For example, I belong to this ministry at my church that the pastor started a few years ago. Now it is time for him to move to another parish, and someone mentioned how the pastor will be missed .... and he will be. However, I brought up the importance of noticing the seeds he planted, and…

  • What Is Your WHY?

    - 259 visits
    Blue Chicago Blizzard
    Without knowing your why in life, I believe, that you don’t have a purpose.

  • Being Thankful

    - 225 visits
    When the paths that we take in life become overshadowed with obstacles, the best route to take is to be optimistic and thankful. The people who become successful use their struggles to become stronger, and surround themselves with others who see opportunities from each failure. Know too, that when we focus on God instead of self, and tell our obstacles about God, instead of telling God about our obstacles, we see tiny bits of progress each day as if there is light at the end of the tunnel.…


    - 221 visits
    "Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter." --Ansel Adams I don't believe in coincidence. That beauty and timing like this is to me a sign of God's love in the world. As only He can do. Whenever I try to do two things at the same time, they both fall short of their full potential. Things line up for a reason, with God there is no coincidence. I mean, I was walking my dog when I made this picture. But I had to stop walking and make the d…

  • Do Pro's Make Better Pictures?

    - 219 visits
    I've been a photographer for several decades, not counting from when I was a kid, and I've heard many myths and truths about what and who makes better pictures.

  • The 5 Best Quotes On Art I've Ever Read

    - 214 visits
    In any profession it's common to learn from those who've gone before us, through their words or experiences. As an artistic photographer, here are the five best quotes on art I've ever read in random order, followed by how they speak to me. “I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people” ~ Vincent van Gogh If you have come to appreciate my photography, then you know that I try to incorporate humanity in some form or way. Most of my life and childhood I would st…

  • Art Is Not A Luxury .....

    - 209 visits
    …. but a necessity. Because society needs images …. through works of Art. …. That are examples of Goodness and Hope. …. That share the Love of God in the World. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Photography is a major force in explaining man to man -- Edward Steichen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For this reason, I believe in the universa…

  • Branch Out

    - 206 visits
    On Living Our Lives To Bring Goodness Into The World


    - 197 visits
    Old Water Tower Christmas - City of Chicago
    I've titled this photograph - 'City of Chicago Old Water Tower Christmas' - because looking at this scene tells me about living with strength and faith. Strength because the tower, built in 1869, gained prominence after the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. In the years since the fire, the tower has become a symbol of old Chicago and of the city's recovery from the fire. Faith because of many Christians who are missing out on many of the religious Christmas symbols that permeate our society th…

23 articles in total