yokopakumayoko Francesco's favorite articles

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  • Event in Nice : the Team is safe [EN] [FR]

    [EN] As you may know (or not), the whole Team is located in the Alpes-Maritimes department in France. Yesterday, during the celebrations of Bastille Day, an attack happened in Nice, many people were killed or injured. We just wanted to let you know that if our heart aches, the ipernity Team is safe. We also wanted to express our solidarity with the people touched. [FR] Comme vous le savez peut-être, l'ensemble de l'équipe habite les Alpes-Maritimes. Suites aux évènements tragiques qui…

  • [EN] Something we had forgotten which is finally fixed: sharing by email

    Curiously enough it was previously not possible to share content by email on ipernity ^^ This is now fixed! You will now find on the photo, album, article and doc pages a button that will enable you to share by email. For this we use your own email system so you can use your email address book. Please note that your choice of the email system will be stored and offered first in the list. For now only public content visible by everyone can be shared. However very soon you will be able t…

  • [EN] New: Color schemes!

    Our Club members have now access to this new great possibility: customizing the color scheme of their pages , for themselves and for their visitors. Drag your mouse onto your home page banner, you'll see a new "Color scheme" button ;) Would you prefer Blackcurrant? Of course, a touch of your personalized color will be added to all your pages. For instance here...…