de - fr - es - it - eo

I published this article at Ipernity on 07.12.2011

With giant steps through my life
The only constant is change

Born in 1932 on 21.1. in Bad Lippspringe, East Westphalia.


There are 6 million unemployed.
From February, for the first time, a decrease in unemployment.
In the Soviet Union there are the terrible show trials.
30 January 1933 Hitler's seizure of power.
On 15 July 1940 there is a bombing raid on my home town - 6000 inhabitants -.
one of the first ever on the 'Greater German Reich'.


- 1942 - The war against the Soviet Union.
In December there is the insane
Battle of Stalingrad - I still remember it well.
I hear the Führer's voice on the radio.
There are constant air raid alarms.
My father is drafted into the Wehrmacht at the age of 40.
There is no end in sight to the war for me
for me and most Germans.

Easter 1945, 70 years ago in Bad Lippspringe.
Four brave men drive towards the Americans in Paderorn.
They offer to surrender without fighting.
On the afternoon of 3 April at around 3 p.m.
American tanks drive through Detmolderstrasse,
without encountering any resistance.
We live on this street
and can watch everything from our window.

- This is one of the most impressive moments in my young life.
From one day to the next, the war ended for us.

Finally on 8 May 1945 end of the Second World War

1952 1 year before graduating from high school:
Sometimes I think about what I should study.
But I still have 1 year left.
27 February 1953 Finally the Abitur.
In the summer semester of 1953 I study philosophy for 3 semesters.
On 17 June, uprising in the GDR - the war in Korea 1950-1953.
I study 2 semesters of theology at the university in Bonn.
Then 3 semesters of theology again in Paderborn.
On 15 July 1958 I was ordained by
I was ordained priest by Archbishop Dr Lorenz Jaeger in Paderborn.


1962 I have been a priest since 1958
and am vicar in a small parish near Lippstadt/ Westphalia -
In October Pope John XXIII calls a Council.
There are great expectations.
In 1964 I write a small article against celibacy.
and I am promptly cited as a cardinal.
July 1965 Resignation from the priesthood
Winter semester 1967 - 5 semesters studying education in Bielefeld
On the 2nd day of Christmas 1969 I marry - 1970 Birth of a daughter

1972 I am a teacher at an all-day school in Sennestadt near Bielefeld
1972 Birth of the 2nd daughter - 1974 Birth of a son

1982 We now have 3 children - my wife is also a teacher
we can take many holidays all over Europe
1989 - the completely unexpected unification of the two German states

1992 I have been at a secondary school in Bielefeld for 7 years -
July 1994 I retire - 1999 my wife dies of cancer at the age of 56

2002 I've been a widower for 3 years - the Euro is introduced -
2005 I buy a house in Saxon Switzerland


From 2008 I learn the international language - Esperanto

2012 - on 21 January I turn 80 years old
I buy an electric bicycle -
now cycling is fun again -



Surprise in June
A new flood of the century comes unexpectedly
but already after 11 years - 2002 was the last flood.
Who would expect a new flood so soon?
Fortunately, it is 1m lower than in 2002.
Thanks to the many helpers

I take it with humour:
Now I would like at least
to swim on my own property.
Who knows when I will be able to do that again.
Yes - some things are unpredictable


Important decisions
in my life I have made consciously.
- my life is my life -
There were dark sides,
fortunately there were also many bright sides.
Life had and still has many facets.
- And yet-
- I love my life -

Let's see how everything goes on
in my life and in the world.

we'll know.

In 2020, a virus appears unexpectedly.
The pandemic is declared.

On 24 February - again surprisingly - the war
the war between Russia and Ukraine begins.

When will this madness finally stop?
Never in the history of mankind
have wars created lasting peace.

Even the Romans knew the saying:
"It is easy to win a war
but difficult to win a nation."


In June 10, 2022, I bought a new bicycle,
a four-wheel chair bike.
- It is the 5th bicycle since 1945 -
Since 2020 - 88 years old -
I found it difficult to get on and off.
To my great astonishment, there was a four-wheeler
from the Pfautec company in Quakenbrück.
I can now sit on the seat in peace,
shift into gear,
select the 'Tour' level and ride off.
I can, if need be
I can also stop quickly.
This gives me a great feeling of security.

- I am mobile again -


Kind regards - Elbertinum - Albert


"Building peace without weapons"


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