what really happened that day was :

after seeing the halls with lots of photos , jean claude and me were on the way to another place in order to see more photos of "les rencontres d'arles" . i was very impressed by the light , the colours , the atmosphere surrounding us - i just could not get enough . poor jean claude was very tired and tried to make me move on quicker . suddenly i saw this guy from the corner of my eye . it was his size first that attracted my attention , then it was his aura . we saw each other and smiled . without thinking much i asked him if i may take his photograph . he seemed to be happy about my request and agreed . he wanted to know how to pose . " please stay the way you are , don't pose ! stay natural - you're wonderful that way ." so i took 2 or 3 pics . in the end it was him who said " thank you " . i told him that it's me who has to say that . i didn't dare to hug him , but i wished i did ... then i hurried to jean claude .

- so that's what really happened . the rest of the story is my imagination . some of the stories i'm telling have bits of what really happened inside , some are pure fiction . they all contain parts of my experiences , thoughts , wishes and dreams - but i think , this is what you'll find in stories . pour les ipernitiens francais : je fera la traduction plus tard .