Rules : Once you've been tagged , you are supposed to write a note with 23 random things , facts , habits , or goals about you . At the end , choose 6 people to be tagged . You have to tag the person who tagged you . If I tagged you , it's because I want to know more about you .

1. i can't play poker , because my face is talking too much .

2 . i don't like spiders , like lots of other insects . they are too different .

3 . since i was a kid i loved drawing and painting ... i should do it more again .

4 . my left hand is " marked " , because i experienced how it is to let electricity run through it when i was a kid . afterwards i could tell left from right .

5 . my imagination sometimes plays tricks on me or makes me travel to unknown places .

6 . i love poems ... words make me have goose pimples . you can seduce me with them .

7 . i feel the same about music ...

8 . i hate sports , but i love dancing ( and want to learn tango ) .

9 . i also love swimming ... floating in water , diving ...

10 . though my family name is fischer ( i.e. fisher ) and my zodiac is pisces i don't like the taste of fish or anything else out of the sea ( don't try to convince me , you're not the first one )

11 . a female astrologist told me that my fate is to have a life like a big opera with lots of tragic ups and downs . but i think my life is rather a soap opera ..

12 . i have a very own accent no matter which language i'm speaking - it's fun to hear where people think i'm from ..

13 . i love languages and i want to learn more many perfecto :)

14 . i'm my biggest enemy and don't like my nose .

15 . i love kitsch ( and have too much of it )

16 . i wished i had stronger roots .

17 . when i was a child there was a big earthquake in bucharest ( my hometown ) . i hated the cold i had aftewards more than the earthquake itself .. which i found kind of exciting .

18 . i was never drunk ( even if some might have thought i was ) .

19 . sometimes i get belly ache from laughing and i'm laughing through tears too .

20 .
i lost a friend i loved .. he now is my angel .

21 .
people think i'm sad during winter days , when i have tears in my eyes from the cold .

22 . i'm fascinated by light and shadows ... outside and inside , those you can see and those you feel .

23 . .. is my lucky number .