Articles by William (Bill) Armstrong

  • About Peter's Rock

    - 9 years ago
    If you look very closely at the photos of Peter's rock, you will see that there are words engraved into the stone. The words come from the book The Perfection of the Morning , written by Peter Butala's wife, Sharon. The words describe a pivotal moment in her coming to terms with a life in nature, lived on the vast Butala cattle ranch. "About a hundred feet out from the foot of the hill, in the midst of his animals, lying facedown in the grass, head on one bent arm, hat shielding his eyes, Pete…

  • The bus doesn't stop here anymore

    - 10 Mar 2014
    The photo of the exterior of a store at Cymric, Saskatchewan in the Buildings album says a lot about my province. Cymric is a Welsh word that refers to both the Welsh language and the culture. It reminds me that place names here are derived from so many different sources, from the Indigenous peoples who lived here for thousands of years before European contact, to the people (mostly from the United Kingdon and Europe) who settled here in the 19th and 20th centuries. Place names helped keep alive…

  • Getting lost for a reason

    - 14 Jan 2014
    The pronghorn antelope is one of my favourite animals. Most of the photos I have of them are from a considerable distance, including some of their rumps, heading away. They are usually skittish, but the pronghorn in my Plants & Critters album was the exception. In mid-April 2012 I made a side-trip into the Great Sand Hills, but missed a turnoff. I went several more kilometres before I realized I was, while not technically lost, far from my intended destination. As I turned my car around I saw a…