Melanie from N.Y.'s favorite articles

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  • A Very Busy Season!

    Hello my Friends, If you don't see as much of me lately, it's because I am busy with my job during the holiday season. I have increased hours with the accompanying increased stress and fatigue, so it has been very difficult to take photos on a regular basis or even to stop by and comment on your photos as much as I wish. I want to thank all of you who visit my page regularly, and I hope to visit you more frequently after my schedule returns to normal. In the meantime I will visit you as often…

  • A tribute to Montserrat Cabellé .

    A tribute to Montserrat Cabellé, who died today aged 85. Concepción Caballé i Folch, was a Spanish operatic soprano. She sang a wide variety of roles, but is best known as an exponent of the works of Verdi and of the bel canto repertoire, notably the works of Rossini, Bellini, and Donizetti which she performed in leading opera houses. Caballé became a household name in 1987 when at the request of the IOC she recorded "Barcelona", a duet with Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of the British…

  • The Tribe of Many Paws ~ Update 8th May 2018

    Nerys , Celt & Saxon ~ May 2018
    I have trying to get around to writing this for over a month ! The puppies grow in size and hyper energy ! They had their last set of injections on the 23rd March and then weighed at 16 weeks Celt ... 24.1lbs and Saxon ... 32.6 lbs Now ... I would guess they are ... Celt 36-38 lbs and Saxon 46-48 lbs !! I will know accurately on the 5th June when they next go to the Vet for neutering and they can be weighed. They are little devils ! They never stop . The…

  • Generosity

    A woman was chatting with her next-door neighbour. "I feel really good today. I started out this morning with an act of unselfish generosity. I gave a twenty dollar bill to a bum." "You gave a bum twenty whole dollars? That's a lot of money to just give away. What did your husband say about it?" "Oh, he thought it was the proper thing to do. He said, 'Thanks.'"

  • Update for the Tribe of Many Paws ~ 28th February 2018

    Celt & Saxon 26-2-2018
    Well here we are at the end of February and all hopes of me being able to hang on to any vestage of sanity are lost in a haze of paws ! Celt and Saxon are on the go all day but ohhhh soooo Thankful am I that they sleep at night . Life has become one long walk and play session ! I have , for over 12 years ,belonged to a dog/cat internet site . We always cautioned people NEVER to get TWO puppies at the same time . The exhaustion level a mere human such as myself goes through is why we sa…

  • Flicka ~ 1st March 2006 ~ 30th October 2017 ~ There is another Star in the sky tonight

    Flicka 22nd September 2016 ~ Just because I love you ....
    Flicka died in my arms at 5pm today as the Vet and I sent him on his next Journey. My Beloved Troubled Boy is troubled no more. No more fears he so bravely battled for nearly 12 years . He is going to the Stardust to meet Lucas and Cleo and all who I care for. No more cancer that finally took him after suddenly infecting him 5 mths ago. Sunday was a bad day... he went into a shutting down decline and he and I both knew it was time. I laid on the floor with him and last night w…

  • 2017-10-13 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) After having fixed the card and skrill payment issues just very recently, we are happy to confirm that the financial side of Ipernity has significantly stabilized. We already lowered the operation costs considerably and aspire to lower them further until the end of the year. 2) The latest bug, concerning the Google translator, has also been fixed. 3) Already, many existing club members have renewed their membership. However, some people h…

  • Explore Returns!

    I have been slowly getting back to participating on ipernity again, and it was such a pleasure to learn that Explore is finally up and running! I don't know about you, but this was an important tool for me to use to meet new people and as another way to keep up with old friends! I didn't realize just how much I would miss it until it was gone! I know some people look at Explore as litttle more than a "popularity contest", but that is not the real purpose of this feature. It was intended as a…