Articles by Giles Watson


  • The Butcher's Wife: Sample Chapter

    - 10 years ago
    The whole novella is available here: Chapter 1 Yet Lord, instruct us so to die, That all these dyings may be life in death. - John Donne Sometimes the flayed things have spirits. In death, the knife feels like a whisper, whittling down to the whiteness of bone. She regained consciousness as the spurts from her jugular began to slow, and the snick and slice of the blade were dreadful car…

  • A Witch's Natural History: Sample Chapter

    - 01 Jan 2014
    The whole book is available here:'s-natural-history.html Chapter 13 Beyond the Crooked Stile It is said that Mother Goose is derived from Frau Holt, or Herodias, the goddess of the witches of northern Europe, who flies at night astride a goose, naked and (even in my childhood imagination) voluptuous in spite of the cold. She flies at the head of the Furious Horde, the Wild Hunt, her raven hair streaming out behind her, her red slitted pupils glowing on…

  • Reynard the Fox as Guiser: Images of the trickster in Beverley Minster and Bristol Cathedral

    - 01 Jan 2014
    Reynard the Fox as Guiser: Images of the trickster in Beverley Minster and Bristol Cathedral Giles C. Watson A paper delivered to the Folklore Society Conference on Guising, Warburg Institute, 17th May, 2003 At Beverley Minster, a foundation of secular canons in Yorkshire, two of the misericords, carved by members of a firm from Ripon in 1520, seem on first glance to be the result of natural observation. In the first, a fox lopes in the foreground, a goose slung casually over his shoulde…