slgwv's most commented articles

  • Interesting...

    Smugmug, which acquired The Other Place a while back, is going to drastically cut back on free storage there (1000 photos max). As of Jan 1st unlimited storage is going to cost $49.99 per year. I had had high hopes when Smugmug acquired Flickr, but it's been months and the same clunky interface is still present. And even some of the biggest cheerleaders for the "awesome" "improvements" that Marissa introduced are now complaining and threatening to leave. They also are acknowledging that lots…

  • I haven't (quite) fallen off the face of the Earth...

    But I haven't been around for a few months. Sorry! It's not just covid--Real Life has gotten in the way bigly around here. I won't bore you with details, but I haven't given up on Ipernity! We currently are smothered by smoke from the California wildfires, so I don't have much in the way of recent photos. But I'll try to post along even so-- Cheers, all! Steve

  • After long silence--

    I'm just back from a couple of weeks on the road, with yet more new pix, but Real Life is getting in the way so I'll be kind of scarce for a while--

  • A 25 year old tragedy

    [I did this writeup for a discussion group I'm involved in. Since it's a bit big for that group, I'm making it an article here and giving them a link, but my Ipernity contacts may also find it of interest.] I recently ran across the backstory on a 25-year old tragedy and I'd thought I'd post about it, as it's relevant to some discussions of geographic scale and backcountry safety that I have been involved in. In July 1996 a German family went missing in rugged, remote country near the south…

  • USGS topos online!

    I know lots of my friends and contacts also like to wander around the back roads of the American west, and a couple of years ago I found a resource that may be of interest. The US Geological Survey has put all(!) of their topographic maps online, available for free download as .pdf files. Here's the main URL: Click on the "map locater" in the upper left corner. They've included, not just all versions of the current map s…

  • Folders are here!

    Well, it took a bit longer than they expected, but Ipernity now has folders, more or less the equivalent of "collections" at The Other Place. So, all my albums are now in folders, and thus their organization should be a lot more obvious! I am finding I am now working from folders almost exclusively; find the album in the folder and open the organizer from it directly. I could wish that folders could be included within other folders, and that an album could be in more than one folder--both t…

  • I'm back (again!)

    I've been mostly on the road the last few weeks, with very limited time and Internet access. I have lots of new photos, which will get loaded RSN (Real Soon Now--)

  • And now...

    Well, what I (alas) figured would happen is happening--Ip is closing. Clint made a back-of-the-envelope financial analysis a while back that seemed to be right on--as it was. I still think Ipernity thoroughly botched a great opportunity. They had a chance to grow and achieve financial stability at the time of the massive Flickr exodus, but instead of rolling out a (figurative) red carpet they instead got all sidetracked into the silliness about "spam" comments, with the result that they drove…

  • (Belated) Happy New Year!

    Well, as y'all may have noticed, I haven't been around much of late. Other things have been getting in the way--but I did go ahead and re-up my membership. I won't be able to participate a lot, but what I have done for now is remove the "me only" authorization on my newer uploads. I had been waiting to label them properly, but I just don't have time, and maybe people would find them of some interest even so--

  • Back from Pennsylvania--

    Visiting the new grandson (our 1st grandchild). So, lots of things have fallen thru the cracks, Ipernity-wise! I'll try to be posting and commenting more.

  • My albums' organization (etc.)

    Hi Everyone! Another former Flickrite here--I've decided to use Ipernity's "article" feature to describe my album layouts (or at least proposed album layouts) and organization, as they probably now look like an intimidating mess. I've been busy off and on the last few weeks moving everything over from The Other Place (and thanks again to the Ipernity Team for the set-import script!), but once I get everything set up here I look forward to interacting more with groups and my contacts. Pendin…

  • I'm back!

    - 1 comment
    I've been mostly on the road the last couple of weeks, so I've been pretty scarce. I have lots of new pix, tho, which will get uploaded as time permits--

  • Well, well, well...

    - 1 comment
    F***r is offering Pro subscriptions again. At twice the price they usta be, and still with the crappy "improved" layout, but-- it's obviously a backpedal. Yahoo revenues for 2nd quarter again missed the Street's expectation...could it be that the New! Awesome! business model isn't so awesome after all?

  • Back again--

    - 1 comment
    With more pix, but Real Life is again getting in the way, so I won't be visible much--