Valfal's favorite articles

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  • Vacuum clean your pocket camera!

    DUST!??? But no worries =)
    Yes, you read right! A very annoying dust particle appeared inside my Canon G5x camera lens. And since it is a compact camera, there is no way to remove the lens to get it cleaned by my own. Or so I thought... I was desperate, because sending it to service to get it cleaned would very likely cost several hundred euros. Luckily we have Google... I searched with string " dust particle inside canon g5x ", and found out an Youtube video showing how to clean pretty sim…

  • A walk around the garden at last....

    The top garden
    Lately I've been having problems walking and so I tend to stay indoors most of the time. However it was such a glorious day, Wednesday (yesterday) that I just had to go and get around the garden. As I have donated most of my garden to wildlife (!!!!) I can only get to the top part of the garden with the grass and the blossom trees. The garden is in 4 layers, which means it's a total no-go area down there, even if it wasn't covered with weeds and wild plants!!!! - I can't walk downhill like that.…

  • The view from my lounge window is heaven

    I love it when the apple blossom mixes with the lilac
    With the lockdown here, as in the rest of the world, it's necessary to find something good and something beautiful to see and I see it at the moment from my lounge window. As I don't get out and about - in fact the last time I left my home to go anywhere, was in January!!!! I'm sort of housebound, since my car gave up the ghost, and I was going to buy myself another one - thank heavens I held back - I'd have been paying insurance for nothing, as we have to stay indoors and no unnecessary travel.…

  • There are more flowers outside now....

    In such a short time, it's grown such a lot
    Hiya folks, how are you all? I do hope you aren't finding this lockdown we have isn't causing you too much distress. I personally find it okay, because in a way, I'd already had a sort of self isolation anyway. Being disabled and living at the top of a hill, it doesn't seem to be possible for me to get out and about. Also my car has decided to give up the ghost, [last year], and so even if I could drive around, I can't. The weather has been really good on the whole - we've not had much rain w…

  • Just looked out my kitchen window and saw this...

    This huge white lilac tree just outside my kitchen
    This morning whilst I was washing up - I noticed the blue sky behind the white lilac which is just outside my kitchen window. The wind was blowing but the white blooms stayed put. I couldn't resist taking some pictures - the blue sky only lasted about an hour, then it was clouds galore - in fact at one time I thought it would pour down, the dark grey was so prevalent. Anyway folks, I was so thrilled to see these flowers, and I know that soon they'll disappear, further down the drive is the…

  • Part 2 of the saga!!!! LOL

    Emily is a treasure
    Well the other blog I did, was a long, long one - I will be the first to apologise. Emily came up on Tuesday as usual, and she immediately cut my grass for me!!! What an angel..... As you can see, the white lilac is starting to open up and the scent is so overpowering in the evening. It's absolutely gorgeous.... She did some shopping for me, and managed to get me some petunias too. It was lovely to see them - I haven't done any potting for a couple of years now - and I managed to put…

  • I walked up my driveway - first time this year

    Pippin loves lying in the sun
    Some of you might not know this, but I haven't been very well for a while now, and walking is hard for me - I struggle to breathe, which funnily enough - you do need to breathe when you go walking - in fact all the time really!!!!. Well it had been such a wonderful few days of unbroken sunshine and at long last - no wind - it was fantastic. So I negotiated my rollator out the back door - and believe me that took a lot of hard work, it's so heavy and awkward - I have to fold it up and lift it…

  • 2020-04-03 Newsflash / COVID-19 Relief

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Last Sunday the Ipernity General Meeting IGA2020 took place. The attendance ( list of 43 participants ) was significantly better than last year (31 participants). 2) All major activities of the ima team and the progress made were presented in the report of the CEO . Particularly noteworthy is the successful differentiation of the previous unified club membership into needs-based subscription packages with different features. The number of…

  • IGA2020 - Report of the CEO

    IGA2020 - Report of the CEO IGA2020 - Rapport du CEO IGA2020 - Bericht des CEO

  • IGA2020 - Report of the CFO

    IGA2020 - Report of the CFO Related Annual Financial Statements 2019 IGA2020 - Rapport du CFO États financiers annuels correspondants 2019 IGA2020 - Bericht des CFO zugehöriger Jahresabschluss 2019

  • Noodles came a-visiting.....

    Talk about getting yourself in danger, Pippin was just below
    I've spoken about Noodles before, but today he took things a bit further - he decided to take his chances by walking into my lounge!!!! He's a very pretty cat - I'm assuming he's a boy - I mean who would call a girl "Noodles" anyway? Well I was aware of a black and white cat walking into my lounge - I said hello and he miaowed back, but carried on walking in. I knew Pippin was outside, so I was waiting for the kerfuffle - nothing!!! Then I was aware that Noodles had decided to go to the couc…

  • New bower on the fence

    The step down.....
    Ann and Peter have at long last made a bower to go over the gate between their house and mine. It looks gorgeous. So far they've only got honeysuckle climbing over it, but Ann is going to get some climbing roses etc, so it'll be a picture. It's brilliant because I'm going to reap the benefit of it and it hasn't cost me anything!!!!! Ann has said that she's going to put gravel in that bit that looks like a flower bed, but it's a step. She did say something about putting a pot with a flower i…

  • A film too close for comfort...

    This is eerily similar to what's going on.
    I've just been watching the film "Contagion" - if ever someone was seeing into the future in 2011, when this film was made - it's eerily too close for comfort. It's a brilliant film and it's almost like watching the news of today! If you can get hold of a copy of it - do watch it. Talking about social distancing, face masks, gloves, not going out - it's really scary. Not shaking hands etc. I do hope you all out there have a good weekend - well as good as you can - and please take care…

  • Had to cheer myself up......

    The initial start of the hand sewn caterpillar
    Well hiya folks. Things have been rather strained here these past few weeks. I hadn't realised I had a bad chest infection which stopped me from breathing properly, which made any movement etc a great effort. The big thing about this, is that I live on my own and it's very easy to be scared in the middle of the night when you are struggling to breathe. There were many times when I almost rang our emergecy services, but apart from "I don't want to bother them", I knew I wouldn't have the strength…

  • Make that "how can things change in two days" into three days!!!!!

    Nothing looks great through this kind of weather
    As you know I said that yesterday was a great day with sunshine pouring into the lounge, but what a difference a day makes!!!!!!!! This morning I woke up to this....... I couldn't hardly believe it as it was really cold too and normally that comes with clear skies - not today!!!!! This didn't help my mood much neither.... Another abstract picture of the rain pouring down the panes of glass..... Even though it looks pretty seeing the raindrops lining along the bottom of the wi…

  • Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!!

    Happy Valentine's Day from me
    Well I'm sure there are some people on here without a partner and so don't associate themselves with St Valentine. I'm one of those - it's been over 20 years since I last had a Valentine's card or a special someone to share a bottle of wine and some chocolates with. Still never mind eh? At least I can share today with wonderful friends on here. I feel that St Valentine shouldn't just be for lovers, but for those of us who have a wonderful friendship which is just as good (well without the lovey…

  • Sign-Up Procedure for IGA

    [EN] Dear Member of Ipernity Members Association, This article describes the procedure to follow to participate in the annual General Assembly of the Association. Since the Ipernity General Assembly (IGA), is held under French law, some legal requirements must be met, which have been specified by our legal adviser. It is mainly a question of proof of identity to guarantee the principle of "one person, one vote". In order to attend and vote in the meeting we require a short ipermail regis…

  • 2020-02-07 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The Insert media function in the blog editor works again . From now on embedded video and audio files can even be played without Flash Player . (Please note that the maximum blog length is about 60,000 characters. This corresponds to about 40 manuscript standard pages. Longer articles should be subdivided - also with respect to reader-friendliness.) 2) The image processing with PicMonkey also works again . The temporary failure was a…

  • Hey flowers in the garden on 30.1.2020

    View of primroses out of bedroom window
    I was looking out my bedroom window this morning and I saw a small flash of pale colouring and so I took a few pictures so I could see what it was. Imagine my surprise when I enlarged the pictures - Spring has started to tease us - they were the first primroses of 2020!!! I've never seen primroses in my garden while we were still in January of any year. This is a sort of close up of what I saw in the garden this morning. As you can see the leaves of the mombretia are already standing tall -…

  • My 2020 annual check-up!!!!

    Every year around January, I have to attend my doctor's surgery for my annual MOT!! Luckily for me, my doctor agreed that maybe I don't need the "Pee pills" anymore, as it hasn't done me much good. Oh the joy - the freedom - the more time I have without the constant dashes to the loo!!!! Pure bliss!!! Anyway I needed to give blood for testing and they needed to check my blood pressure. Well I was given a small bottle to put my wee in, but being a female - it's not all that easy to try and ge…

209 articles in total