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Publication date  /  2013  /  August   -   8 articles

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  • Then There Were Two

    - 01 Aug 2013 - 7 comments
    There has been much walking of the plank this week, and souls set adrift, and now we’re down to 2 in our ship. There has been some after-hours partying, and some tears too. I haven’t attended any parties as I genuinely can’t afford it; some have been in

  • Bomb Site

    - 07 Aug 2013 - 6 comments
    Yesterday I took the day off to help my sister with some housework. Now, let me get this straight; I offered, and I was happy to help her out, however when I got there I found her daughter, who is 20, was also home that day. She still lives at home. Why

  • Slow or Crazy Busy

    - 12 Aug 2013 - 7 comments
    Work is proving to be a real drag as of late, and I seem to spend more time waiting for staff or engineers to be free, than actually doing something useful! The next 2 weeks I’ll be pretty busy away from my desk so that’ll make the time pass quickly at

  • Spat the Dummy

    - 15 Aug 2013 - 4 comments
    Yesterday I was involved in student exams. It was set to be a busy week, with exams being doubled up on despite my informing staff that I was on my own due to other staff on leave. The morning went relatively well though I despair of people who can’t

  • What a Dilemma!

    - 16 Aug 2013 - 6 comments
    My ex sent me a frantic email this morning. No idea how, but he’s managed to accidentally credit my bank account with £8,000! Now, if I was the ‘mean’ sort, and not afraid of a little trouble, I could deduct what he still owes me, then transfer the

  • Scurvy Dogs and Noise

    - 19 Aug 2013 - 9 comments
    Today I am being driven mad by scurvy dogs with leaf blowers. Honestly, what is the frelling point of blowing leaves around? (frelling – ‘swear’ word from Babylon 5). If they blew the leaves into a pile and then collected them, I’d understand but to just

  • Satisfaction

    - 27 Aug 2013 - 5 comments
    I’m off work this week, and this morning it was nice and cool so I decided to weed the front garden. I dead headed some low growing shrubs – no idea what they are, weeded in between the hydrangeas, and cut down the leaves from the mini blue irises. I’ve

  • Unofficial Bartering

    - 29 Aug 2013 - 7 comments
    Ok, this is not strictly bartering, though it comes close. Yesterday I went to see my sister who’s had the surgery. I put the vacuum round the house – she can’t manage it, put away the groceries for her, tidied off the table, dug up some potatoes she was