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Publication date  /  2013   -   47 articles

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  • Test

    - 07 Feb 2013
    I share an office with a hot house orchid, hence my id

  • Disabilities

    - 05 Mar 2013 - 2 comments
    No pun intended, however since I've been 'out and about' with a registered disabled person, it's been a real eye opener. There are those who have been very courteous and go out of their way to help, especially the staff in John Lewis department store,

  • Barrel of laughs

    - 14 Mar 2013 - 2 comments
    Well work is a barrel of laughs at the moment. We're in the middle of an alleged merger, but when the opposition has 99% of the senior posts, then merger isn't the word that comes to mind. In a bid to get rid of 'unwanted' posts, they're offering staff a

  • Running Off

    - 22 May 2013 - 3 comments
    Well it seems my ex has decided to 'take the money and run.' I wish I could do the same, but I wouldn't get enough money and I'd worry about getting another job. He plans to run off to Oz with the money by the end of the year. Big dreams, I just wonder if

  • Bomb Shell

    - 17 Jun 2013 - 5 comments
    You know you change your car too often when you can’t remember what make, model, or even colour of the car you are driven around in. Over the weekend I visited my parents, and finding a lack of car spaces, asked my Mother which car was theirs so that I

  • Family Health

    - 24 Jun 2013 - 4 comments
    Last week was not the best week. My sister, who is younger than me, has had some health problems and they diagnosed her as having a growth in her bowel. They’ve already removed some of her bowel and said she was okay. She’s not been well at all and kept

  • Coffee and Minor Surgery

    - 02 Jul 2013 - 6 comments
    It’s only Tuesday and I’m already wishing it was Friday. Or even next Friday. Come to that; the Friday after that would be good. I have a hospital appointment late July for a ‘wound’ on my forehead that won’t heal so I have an appointment with a

  • Sharing an Office

    - 03 Jul 2013 - 9 comments
    I share an office. I share an office with a hot house orchid who I swear has no blood. Everyone in the room will be hot, and the orchid has so many clothes on and complains of being cold. I share an office with a giggler. Good grief we’re all adults

  • Going Mad

    - 09 Jul 2013 - 7 comments
    I’ve long said that people don’t ‘go’ mad, that they are ‘driven’ mad. I’m one of those people that long for peace and quiet in an increasingly noisy and busy world. Take my new neighbour… please! We had an old lady live 2 doors down. She often said

  • Scurvy Dogs

    - 12 Jul 2013 - 9 comments
    Whilst I was on Multiply, I often did a ‘pirate’ themed blog. I don’t live on a ship, just to clarify, though doing the occasional rambling, mad blog has its appeal: Today will see the ‘visitors’ in work leaving. They’ll be set adrift, with a paddle if

  • Displacement

    - 16 Jul 2013 - 5 comments
    Today (Tuesday) is the second day of my son’s Work Experience and so far he’s enjoying it. The plan today is for him to take some PC’s apart and then put them back together; this is the kind of work I used to do and I’m a little envious that he gets to

  • Hospitals

    - 18 Jul 2013 - 6 comments
    I visited my sister in hospital today and she did not look good. Apparently she was up and walking around yesterday (Wednesday) but it looks like she may have overdone it; she had a bad night. This morning I phoned and asked if she’d like me to visit, she

  • Storm, but no teacup

    - 23 Jul 2013 - 7 comments
    Early hours of Tuesday we had a tremendous storm. The lightning woke me at 3am and I stood at the window watching it for about 30 minutes. I’ve never seen so much lightning! The thunder was tremendous and even woke my son – he could sleep through a bomb

  • It's the little things...

    - 24 Jul 2013 - 6 comments
    That irritate the cr4p out of me. Yesterday I walked down to the car park in work, which is almost empty, only to find someone blocking me in. What the hell? I got into my car, put it into reverse and started to slowly back out of my parking space before

  • A Load of Rubbish

    - 25 Jul 2013 - 7 comments
    Forget the three R’s of reading, writing, and arithmetic – whoever came up with that one needs their head looking at - I prefer the ‘new’ three r’s of: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Let me just say; I’ve been recycling for many years courtesy of education

  • Then There Were Two

    - 01 Aug 2013 - 7 comments
    There has been much walking of the plank this week, and souls set adrift, and now we’re down to 2 in our ship. There has been some after-hours partying, and some tears too. I haven’t attended any parties as I genuinely can’t afford it; some have been in

  • Bomb Site

    - 07 Aug 2013 - 6 comments
    Yesterday I took the day off to help my sister with some housework. Now, let me get this straight; I offered, and I was happy to help her out, however when I got there I found her daughter, who is 20, was also home that day. She still lives at home. Why

  • Slow or Crazy Busy

    - 12 Aug 2013 - 7 comments
    Work is proving to be a real drag as of late, and I seem to spend more time waiting for staff or engineers to be free, than actually doing something useful! The next 2 weeks I’ll be pretty busy away from my desk so that’ll make the time pass quickly at

  • Spat the Dummy

    - 15 Aug 2013 - 4 comments
    Yesterday I was involved in student exams. It was set to be a busy week, with exams being doubled up on despite my informing staff that I was on my own due to other staff on leave. The morning went relatively well though I despair of people who can’t

  • What a Dilemma!

    - 16 Aug 2013 - 6 comments
    My ex sent me a frantic email this morning. No idea how, but he’s managed to accidentally credit my bank account with £8,000! Now, if I was the ‘mean’ sort, and not afraid of a little trouble, I could deduct what he still owes me, then transfer the

  • Scurvy Dogs and Noise

    - 19 Aug 2013 - 9 comments
    Today I am being driven mad by scurvy dogs with leaf blowers. Honestly, what is the frelling point of blowing leaves around? (frelling – ‘swear’ word from Babylon 5). If they blew the leaves into a pile and then collected them, I’d understand but to just

  • Satisfaction

    - 27 Aug 2013 - 5 comments
    I’m off work this week, and this morning it was nice and cool so I decided to weed the front garden. I dead headed some low growing shrubs – no idea what they are, weeded in between the hydrangeas, and cut down the leaves from the mini blue irises. I’ve

  • Unofficial Bartering

    - 29 Aug 2013 - 7 comments
    Ok, this is not strictly bartering, though it comes close. Yesterday I went to see my sister who’s had the surgery. I put the vacuum round the house – she can’t manage it, put away the groceries for her, tidied off the table, dug up some potatoes she was

  • Off my chest

    - 01 Sep 2013 - 6 comments
    My ‘friend’ went out last night to a big family party; his Dad’s Birthday, and I confess I’m ‘put out.’ Months ago he asked if I’d like to go to the party. Work was crazy busy and I said, ask me nearer the time. These past few weeks he’s mentioned how

  • A Good Day Out

    - 10 Sep 2013 - 6 comments
    My sister and I had a nice day out at the agricultural fair. The weather was sunny with a light breeze, and I was glad I’d taken my sun hat and a long sleeved shirt so that I could cover up. Coats were left in the car. We arrived just after 9am and

  • Free Face Lift

    - 14 Sep 2013 - 6 comments
    On Friday I had my ‘minor’ surgery though quite frankly when you’re lying on the table, fully awake, and they’re tugging at your face it doesn’t feel very minor! My sister (the one who hasn’t had surgery recently) took me to the hospital, sat with me and

  • Seaweed

    - 18 Sep 2013 - 4 comments
    This week has been mostly spent in the hospital waiting room, or doctor’s surgery. At least, that’s what it feels like. My hospital check-up was at 1.30 on Monday. I’d removed the dressing like my leaflet said that I could, but couldn’t get it all off.

  • Diversity

    - 24 Sep 2013 - 4 comments
    Yesterday, after a very bumpy bus ride, I walked through our local town. I saw any number of takeaways, a couple of Polish shops, a Polish butcher, a Thai restaurant, a Turkish restaurant, (I know of a Russian restaurant nearby) a Sari shop, an

  • Can't think of one...

    - 01 Oct 2013 - 4 comments
    Yesterday was my first day back and it turned into quite a busy day with rooms being left in a mess, and equipment failures. I had my hospital check-up in the afternoon and it didn’t go that well. The clinic was running almost an hour late and it goads me

  • Cards and Flowers

    - 04 Oct 2013 - 4 comments
    Whilst I was on sick leave, one of my colleagues bought a Get Well card and got the colleagues I work with most to sign it. I received it on Wednesday. That’s snail mail for you, but a lovely gesture from my colleagues. This week I was asked to pop in and

  • Timing

    - 08 Oct 2013 - 4 comments
    Yesterday (Monday) I had what turned out to be my final hospital check-up. After being kept waiting almost an hour past my appointment time, I was mighty glad of the news. The wound is vastly improved on, compared to last week, and I no longer have to

  • Flowers Galore

    - 11 Oct 2013 - 3 comments
    Four weeks ago today I had my minor surgery. Between then and today, I’ve had about 10 appointments for a dressing change with either the surgeon, a doctor, or a nurse. I’m coming to the point, though if you’re squeamish you may want to look away. Last

  • Losing It

    - 15 Oct 2013 - 5 comments
    Today did not start well. We were up in good time and decided to try a new cereal. It was disgusting and far too sweet. The only good thing I can say about it was that it was a free trial. My son decided to make himself some toast. No problems there. I

  • Toxic

    - 24 Oct 2013 - 4 comments
    One month today (24th) and the scurvy pirate that is my ex will have sailed away to new shores. My one sister was bemoaning the fact that she hasn’t been away on holiday for just over a year (boo fricking hoo) and now she’s sailed off to not so distant

  • Gripped

    - 30 Oct 2013 - 4 comments
    This week I have been mostly reading. I’m so gripped by a book that I ordered online that I’ve switched off the TV some days. I’m a huge fan of Terry Pratchett, and in searching for his latest Discworld novel (released in November by the way) I found The

  • Biting my Tongue

    - 05 Nov 2013 - 7 comments
    Since my last blog, I have been mostly biting my tongue. For those in foreign parts, in the UK it is now illegal to smoke inside a public building. In Wales (no idea about England) it is illegal to smoke in doorways or within a certain distance. In work

  • Keeping Calm

    - 13 Nov 2013 - 4 comments
    This week I have been mostly trying to keep calm. The dog has been very stressed by the fireworks, and one night he barked every single time he heard a bang, pop, or fizz. Perversely, once he’s gone to bed, and so have I, he doesn’t bark at them anymore.

  • Being Assertive

    - 18 Nov 2013 - 4 comments
    Just under a month ago I bought a new washing machine online. I don’t have a partner as you know, so I paid the delivery people to install the new machine. All was well for about 2 weeks, and then the machine failed. I reset it, and off it went. After a

  • Batten Down the Hatches!

    - 21 Nov 2013 - 3 comments
    For the past few days the ship has been buffeted and blown by high winds and choppy seas. At 3am I was awake listening to the wind, and thankful that I don’t sleep in a hammock. Just the thought of it makes me feel queasy. The rain hasn’t been too bad,

  • Never Leave Home...

    - 25 Nov 2013 - 3 comments
    without telling your loved ones that you love them. This was the title, or thereabouts, of an episode of a series; The Unit, I was watching a few years ago about military ops. The character in question had dashed off on a mission and forgot to tell his

  • Food, glorious food

    - 27 Nov 2013 - 5 comments
    At this moment the scurvy dog is enjoying the heat and humidity in Singapore where he’s spending a few days resting with his wife. They’re very stressed by the move so need some time off. My heart bleeds! He’d brought over a box of food (before he left)

  • Henry Sucks

    - 05 Dec 2013 - 6 comments
    This week I’ve been spending time with some different staff on another site, and what a joy the travelling was. It took me 90 minutes to go door to door to a site that’s merely 25 miles away. Between breakdowns (not mine except for a mental one!), traffic

  • Government Sucks

    - 08 Dec 2013 - 5 comments
    "MPs are to get a £7,600 pay rise in 2015" This equates to an 11% pay rise whilst many people are actually having a pay cut or even losing their jobs due to the austerity measures. Hundreds of old people will die this winter due to the cold and simply not

  • Saturday Blues

    - 10 Dec 2013 - 4 comments
    A number of colleagues and me had to work on Saturday due to a special event. I haven’t worked a weekend since about 1984. Add to the fact that we weren’t going to paid for it; time off in lieu only, and I was not best pleased. I had a set time to arrive,

  • WooHoo!

    - 13 Dec 2013 - 6 comments
    It’s Friday and for me, that’s the best day of the week! I’m out tomorrow to get some shopping in town and will hopefully buy a new cardigan after my Mum’s dog damaged mine. My ex’s Mum sent us some Christmas money which is really lovely of her, and my

  • TGIF!

    - 20 Dec 2013 - 4 comments
    It’s Friday again and it’s my last day for a fortnight, and what a week it’s been. Some days have been a little quiet but mostly it’s ticked over quite well. I’ve done some tidying up, sorted out some equipment, and chased some equipment that’s on loan.

  • One Down...

    - 29 Dec 2013 - 3 comments
    One to go. Weeks that is; my 2 weeks break is half over with. Sigh... With the exception of the weather it’s been pretty good. We had our usual quiet Christmas, just stayed at home, and enjoyed a few presents and a nice meal. We don’t like turkey much, or