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Publication date  /  2013  /  December   -   6 articles

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  • Henry Sucks

    - 05 Dec 2013 - 6 comments
    This week I’ve been spending time with some different staff on another site, and what a joy the travelling was. It took me 90 minutes to go door to door to a site that’s merely 25 miles away. Between breakdowns (not mine except for a mental one!), traffic

  • Government Sucks

    - 08 Dec 2013 - 5 comments
    "MPs are to get a £7,600 pay rise in 2015" This equates to an 11% pay rise whilst many people are actually having a pay cut or even losing their jobs due to the austerity measures. Hundreds of old people will die this winter due to the cold and simply not

  • Saturday Blues

    - 10 Dec 2013 - 4 comments
    A number of colleagues and me had to work on Saturday due to a special event. I haven’t worked a weekend since about 1984. Add to the fact that we weren’t going to paid for it; time off in lieu only, and I was not best pleased. I had a set time to arrive,

  • WooHoo!

    - 13 Dec 2013 - 6 comments
    It’s Friday and for me, that’s the best day of the week! I’m out tomorrow to get some shopping in town and will hopefully buy a new cardigan after my Mum’s dog damaged mine. My ex’s Mum sent us some Christmas money which is really lovely of her, and my

  • TGIF!

    - 20 Dec 2013 - 4 comments
    It’s Friday again and it’s my last day for a fortnight, and what a week it’s been. Some days have been a little quiet but mostly it’s ticked over quite well. I’ve done some tidying up, sorted out some equipment, and chased some equipment that’s on loan.

  • One Down...

    - 29 Dec 2013 - 3 comments
    One to go. Weeks that is; my 2 weeks break is half over with. Sigh... With the exception of the weather it’s been pretty good. We had our usual quiet Christmas, just stayed at home, and enjoyed a few presents and a nice meal. We don’t like turkey much, or