I worked on Saturday, the second of 3 lots of overtime. My colleague didn’t really want to do it, and said he didn’t need the money, so I did the whole day myself. The money will go towards replacing my cooker. The day went well; it was well attended, and they didn’t run out of coffee. The on-site café was also open, and the heating had been turned on. So, a good day lol. I was lucky with buses, and after only literally seconds at the bus stop, my bus came along. We had 4 sessions of exams, and by 4 pm I was shattered. I came home, made dinner, washed up, and then collapsed in front of the TV. I slept 8 hours solid Saturday night which was great.

I had my blood tests back this week, and whilst there’s been no improvement, there’s been no deterioration either. They had hinted that they might want a sample of bone marrow from my hip, but thankfully they didn’t mention that again. For now, it’s just routine blood tests every 6 months for the foreseeable future. I still get pins and needles most nights, and get tired quite quickly, but it could be worse so it’s all, mostly, good.

Next month my son has an appointment with rheumatology at the local hospital and obviously I’m hoping that goes well. His feet are much better now he has thick warm socks, but they set me back quite a bit. Oh well, he’s worth it.

My son’s PC is being collected on Monday; he didn’t take much persuading that it wasn’t a good buy. We were told to plug it all in and report if anything else wasn’t working. I told them I could see small pieces of white plastic in the casing, presumably from where the lid had broken off. I told them what I do, in my chosen career, and they’ve accepted that we don’t want to keep the PC and we’ll get a full refund. For his part, my son has decided to keep on using my PC, which I bought off him, and will wait a while before buying a new one. His old PC is playing his game without too many issues, so I don’t see why he feels the need to spend so much money on a new one. My motto is: if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it (or replace it).

When my landlord came over a while back, he commented that I’ve had my dining table and chairs the whole time I’ve lived here. I told him we bought it when my son was very young. The point is, it isn’t broken or damaged in any way, I like it and if I didn’t I’d just put a table cloth on it. It works, why buy a new one? I only have a large TV (30 inch) because it’s better than my old one and it was free. I like free :)

I’m hoping for a sunny day today. I have lots of laundry to get dried, I need to get out and buy some fresh groceries, and I need to vacuum the drifts of dog hair. The mutt is moulting already. I suggested to my son that he vacuum for me but he didn’t seem very keen; funny that. I’m off to make blueberry pancakes for breakfast; American style, with a little maple syrup. Yummy! Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a good week.