My sister has been quite poorly. Mostly it’s self-inflicted in that she smokes despite having had asthma all her life. I phoned her a few times last week to ask her bf how she was - too breathless to talk, and over the weekend she was well enough to call me back. She’s now feeling much better and we talked for almost an hour. She briefly asked after my son, very briefly asked after me, then spent the rest of the hour talking about herself. I have something on my mind, and would have liked to talk to her about it but she seemed a little self-absorbed and only wanted to talk about her problems. I didn’t want too much time for my ‘issue’, just a few minutes would have done. Oh well.

My son and his grumpy moods are getting me down a little. This morning he had to be up before I left for work due to the imminent arrival of a parcel. The parcel is for him. He got up 10 minutes later than we arranged, spent way too long in the shower, then got grumpy at me for hurrying him. He walked the dog (his turn) and went out without a coat despite the high winds and rain. I then had to switch the heating on to dry his hooded top. Man he makes me cross some days! On top of it all he made me 10 minutes late for work, and I spent a hectic 30 minutes getting everything ready for class.

I’m finding it very hard to get motivated at the moment, with everything that’s going on in work, and my concentration levels are at an all-time low. On Friday I ‘lost’ my car keys for a few hours. I couldn’t find my eye drops, and I’m having trouble remembering people’s names. I’ll probably feel a bit better once I have the results of my recent blood tests. I had tests done a week ago, and the bruise is just starting to fade. Man our nurse is a tad vicious with a needle! The bloods were sent off to the local hospital, and I’ve no idea how long it will take for them to get back to me. Drums fingers…

I met an old friend for lunch last week, and it was nice to catch up except that they didn’t stay long; less than an hour. It was nice all the same. Mostly I like my own company, but sometimes I wish I had a few more friends. Growing up like we did (army) it wasn’t easy to make friends and after a while I just got out of the habit; I’d make friends, then they or I would move again. After a while it just seemed so pointless, and has left me feeling very rootless even years later. I don’t want to be friends with work colleagues, and aside from work, and seeing my friend once a week, I don’t get out. I should join a club, but to do what? Uh oh, rambling again…

My day was brightened today by having a good laugh at some Twitter posts following the ‘revelation’, by an American, that Birmingham is mostly muslim. It’s not strictly correct, however there are parts of that city, and a few others in the UK that are ‘controlled’ by these people. Anyway, the Twitter posts detailed photos of jam jars in a ‘veil’, and the Queen in a headscarf and so on. I thought it was funny anyway :)

Have a good week. Take care if in the UK, we have some very nasty weather to come later this week.

Addition: To add to my ill temper, my son's new PC was delivered today, and it's damaged! Why he couldn't buy it from PC World is beyond me; some people never learn. Sometimes he's so arrogant he reminds me of his Father! Man I'm in a foul mood.