I thought I'd just write a quickie before Mandi gets here.........

I was washing up this morning and noticed that the white rose on the kitchen window sill was starting to 'go over'. What amazed me was the way it's folding it's petals back and that they make perfect points........

This is the first flower to open up and so it's further along than the other one.......

This is the second flower to appear but it's still starting to fold it's petals back. They look so gorgeous from the front as well as the back.

There is another bud just about to open, so having three blooms on this plant this year is great - normally it just gives me one. I love the texture of the petals so beautiful.

Hope you enjoy them. Okay I'm off - have to get the baked gammon joint ready for the oven, make some parsley sauce, then chop up a salad. I'll also make another batch of shortbread because Mandi likes them.

Speak to you soon.