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  • A “Green” Revolution is still Possible

    Climate Change shutterstock 1340281253
    With today’s climate change strike protests by young people (who have the most to lose) across the world the question arises, did the world miss its best chance to unleash a “green” revolution? Back in late 2008 and early 2009, when the world was experiencing the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s, former World Bank Chairman Nicholas Stern stated, “the economic case for tackling the global climate crisis is more compelling than ever” [1] since downturns and dis…

  • Post 9/11 Requiem?

    9/11 Article Image
    All of us who lived that 9/11 day eighteen years ago will never forget. That fateful Tuesday started out full of promise with a cloudless sky and mild temperatures until the first plane, American Airlines Flight 11 hit the North Tower of 1 World Trade Center at 8:46 AM. A second plane, United Airlines Flight 175 hit the South Tower seventeen minutes later. By 10:28 AM both towers had collapsed and New York City was shrouded in darkness with the Statue of Liberty the only beacon of light as it…

  • Even a Bug's Life Matters

    Buddha and Ladybug
    Insects “may all look alike to human eyes, but each… is unique” with its own distinct face and “personality” that consists of traits like boldness, forcefulness, determination, shyness and even the presence of an ego, [1] despite being an estimated quintillion in number. At the same time, insects are conscious sentient beings that can communicate, think, have subjective experiences, possess a memory, feel pain, display emotions including empathy and engage in both individualistic and group b…

  • Woodstock’s Ideals of Peace and Love Relevant Today and Always

    Woodstock Article Illustration
    Fifty years ago – August 15-17, 1969 – “three days of peace and music” at Woodstock in the tiny New York town of Bethel that had expected “no more than 50,000 people” [1] marked an epochal spiritual and cultural moment in global history when more than 400,000 people came together to enjoy music and spread peace and love among each other despite soaking rains, cramped space, and scarce provisions of food and water. Even though the crowd wa…