Andy Rodker's favorite articles

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  • 2020-01-24 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Since the option of taking out multi-year subscriptions with ipernity has been available, more than 100 club members have made use of it. We would like to thank them all for the confidence they have expressed in the future of ipernity by this. 2) As a result of these multi-year subscriptions, more than 11,000 EUR have been contributed into the club treasury ahead of schedule. In order to place this liquidity advantageously, we are convertin…

  • en - Die Zeichen für die Zahlen - About the invention of the signs for the 'zero' and the 'numbers' 0 123456789 10 - de eo fr es nl it rus ukr hu cz

    I published this article at Ipernity on 30 December 2013 de - eo - fr - es - it - rus - nl - ukr - hu - cz About the invention of the signs for the 'zero' and the 'numbers' 0 123456789 10 A short story for inquisitive children and curious adults There is a small town on the edge of beautiful vin…

  • 2019-12-06 Newsflash

    ipernity Subscription Packages, valid from Dec 6, 2019
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The implementation of subscription options for users with high storage requirements has been completed. Instead of individual 100 GB boosts, as originally planned, a newly created Plus subscription with 250 GB included storage space will be provided : This was easier…

  • 2019-11-29 Newsflash

    ipernity club subscriptions (2019-11)
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The inflow of new members is rather encouraging: 2) Although 34 of the club subscriptions registered in 2019 are still trial subscriptions, the increase in the number of paid subscriptions is expected to exceed 100 by the end of the year. That's more than during 2017 and 2018 combined. 3) On the other hand, we regret the loss of some long-time…

  • Useful online services found

    I decided to start a new article, which I will update every now and then. I collect here useful online services discovered on Web. ➽ Coblis — Color Blindness Simulator Useful tool for testing your images and graphs, to see how they look for someone who has some color vision handicap. ➽ Linguee A very useful service to find out how different words and phrases translate into other languages. Linguee gives examples of various contexts. Here's an example how English expression "o…

  • 2019-09-27 Newsflash (updated)

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) A few days ago, ipernity was exposed to a massive attack by Russian spam bots, who managed to overcome the Google Captcha authentication. Despite immediate countermeasures, some intruders managed to open accounts from which iper mails with links to pornographic content were sent to members. But at no time was any personal data or private contents compromised by this bot attack . Please delete any messages delivered to your personal address wi…

  • The summer is still trying to hang in there!!!

    Fresh parsley
    Well it's half way through September and last week it was raining and it was cold, but Summer doesn't seem to want to leave us, she's holding on for grim death, because yesterday and today has been lovely and sunny. Apparently the hurricane from America has decided to come across the Atlantic and visit us but we'd rather it didn't. There isn't any wind to speak of at the moment, so hopefully it's moved away. We've seen the damage it's done over there so we certainly don't want that kind of destr…

  • I had to share it with you....

    Spider plant with young in my kitchen
    This is only a quickie, but I just had to share with you.... Emily, my helper/cleaner, took some baby spider plants a few months ago, from my larger plant... I'd put the babies in water and told her to wait until the roots showed and then plant them into soil. Well when she came today, she said that she was wondering why there were tall thin shoots coming out of the top of the plant. Then she looked at my plant in the kitchen and said - that's exactly what is happening with her p…

  • Watermark Myths

    There has been some talk around here about the use of watermarks. I have never had to use them, so I thought I would look into it and let you all know what I found out. Firstly, at present all of the websites that I post my images on are for photography or photographers, so they have the security measures of the right-click-save disabled, and so forth. But after this was brought up here, and I looked into it, I decided it might be about time I start doing adding a watermark also. One myth…

  • 2019-08-30 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The number of new club accounts created in the first 8 months of 2019, now +74, already exceeds the total number of new club accounts created in 2018 (+62). The number of active club accounts even increased by +82 from 1,298 to 1,380 since the beginning of the year. This makes us very optimistic. 2) In addition, members of the VIEW Fotocommunity are currently interested in finding a new home for their photo hobby due to the closure of…

  • Oooh I've saved myself lots of money!!!!

    Well maybe I'm being a tad over excited, but for years now I've just kept being with the same insurance company for house and contents. I suppose it was because I was being lazy, in that I kept forgetting to seek out cheaper options. Well this morning I had a couple of letters, one was from another company saying they had taken over my old insurance company (which is a well known and trusted company) and the other one was from my insurance company informing me of next year's cost for the hous…

  • Repetition makes a master!

    So, don't think a good photogarphy requires any such thing as "natural or born with talent" ;-) EDIT: Or at least not only... For some people things are still easier to figure out, and some may have to repeat a lot to get it. And then there are of course physical limitations that may do things almost impossible. One can not see what one shoots if being blind. Although, there are ways to cope ;-) Blackpool from doreymccall on Vimeo . Somewhat a Nokia phone advertisement but Ga…

  • Observations on ipernity groups

    Every now and then I test sharing private images only on groups, and get some interesting results. What I mean is that I keep the image as "Visible by: Me only", but then I share it on some group. What happens is that ipernity asks if I really do wish to share the image on the chosen group, and let other group members to see and comment the image. The test part is to find out if people actually view my image within the group context at all. And then the test reveals if the group is actually…

  • Very busy lately!

    If I appear slow to visit and comment on photos, it's because my work schedule has changed in a way that makes it harder for me to keep up with groups like HFF and Macro Mondays 2.0. As I am someone who likes to comment on all my fellow members' photos in a prompt manner, it has been a frustrating to not be able to wish you a HFF ON Friday. Please forgive the delay, I will eventually get to visit and comment on your photos. Thank you so much for your past support and encouragement, ipernity frie…

  • Update for the Tribe of Many Paws ~ 28th February 2018

    Celt & Saxon 26-2-2018
    Well here we are at the end of February and all hopes of me being able to hang on to any vestage of sanity are lost in a haze of paws ! Celt and Saxon are on the go all day but ohhhh soooo Thankful am I that they sleep at night . Life has become one long walk and play session ! I have , for over 12 years ,belonged to a dog/cat internet site . We always cautioned people NEVER to get TWO puppies at the same time . The exhaustion level a mere human such as myself goes through is why we sa…

  • 2018-02-23 ima Birthday News

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Exactly one year ago, on 23rd of February, 2017, the prefecture of Val-de-Marne issued the founding deed (as of 20.02.2017) to the ASSOCIATION DES MEMBRES D'IPERNITY. Since then, twelve busy months have passed, in which ipernity successfully has been rescued and the essential restructuring has been started. Without your support, that would not have been possible. We thank you for that. 2) Shortly after the takeover in September 2017, we had…

  • Updates for The Tribe of Many Paws !

    Well .... yesterday was a Vet visit for Nerys . Just meant to be a quick check over and hello. It was not quite that easy ! I managed to get Nerys in the car(she is afraid of the car as she thinks it will take her away again. But we have been practicing.) Got to the Vets.. she got out the car and I always take the doggy over the road for a wee. She crossed the road and refused to come back. You cannot tempt her.. or move her. Had to get Jay to drive the car over the road and t…

  • The Panoramio photolayer is finally gone

    ... and replaced by the photolayer of Google Maps. But most amazingly: The Panoramio Forum is still active, Google may have forgotten about it.!topic/panoramio-questions-support/dw3UYp1lQdY%5B351-375%5D Edit May, 24th, 2021: Still active, latest entry May 21st ! visit .

  • 2018-01-19 Appeal for Support

    [FR] Chers membres d’ipernity ! L’Association des Membres d’Ipernity (ima), votre association, a besoin de consolider sa comptabilité et de fournir son premier rapport comptable aux normes associatives françaises pour l'année 2017. Pour ce faire l’ima recherche parmi ses membres des bénévoles souhaitant collaborer et prêts à mettre en forme cette comptabilité (relativement simple) et ayant le profil suivant : > Connaissance de la comptabilité associative ou générale > Connaissance d’Ex…

46 articles in total