Yéwénéké's favorite articles

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  • 2 August 2024 - Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Improvement to the 'Your group' page. This improvement allows you to check on groups that host your content but to which you do not belong. As well as listing the groups, this new feature allows you direct access to your photos in each group. Such a state can happen if you chose to leave your content behind when you left the group. Or because the action of agreeing to a member's suggestion that you add a photo to a group, means it will be there…

  • Site wide SSL is finally here!

    Secure Encryption (2)
    Dear members and friends of ipernity, ============================ For those of you still having problems: If trying to add a new photo to a group, and there is no drop-down list, the first thing to try is the Ctrl+F5 to Refresh. See paragraph below for more about refreshing. If that does not solve the problem, you can try closing and restarting your browser . We do not expect to be able to allow the apps (iPhone or Android) to upload photos. But this is possible with either the…

  • 1 December 2023 - Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, Seasons Greetings! With the coming change of season we are reminded that we are a global community. We are happy that here on our website we are able to enjoy, both the cold low winter light and the brightness of hot summer. What a pleasure to share these moments with each other. We are thankful for this community which shows us how varied our world is. Peace be with you. 1) Statement from our Club President about AI images. We've notice…

  • 1 September 2023 - Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) World Photography Day - August 19th, 2023. What a great success! For this year's event 70 people captured their photographic day and interests literally from all over the world. From favorite cameras, to the depths of the night sky, from well planned out images to spontanious discoveries, our members celebrated the gift of photography. View all the wonderful contributions in the group here and join in the conversations about why and how th…

  • Do you have knowledge of a renewal payment made by E S Kessinger?

    We received a bank transfer payment at the end of March without the reference of the ipernity account number, nor could any match be made via the name. If the member who we assume has lapsed to a Guest account, has knowledge of a payment made by E S Kessinger, please contact the team. This case is an example of the delay for the member, and the extra effort by team, when this piece of information is not included.

  • Club News - 5 May 2023

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Picture-in-picture (PiPs) in lightbox. The full screen 'Lightbox view [z]' now displays PiPs. It does not allow you to edit your own PiPs, but the feature is designed to help you be aware of PiPs when viewing other people's photos. The outline rectangles appear as you move the mouse, and then fade out when you stop moving the mouse. This is unlike the main photo page where they are always visible when the mouse is over the photo. The rectangle…

  • 2023-04-07 Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Outreach support needed (advisory position). For our club to have a good future, it needs to be better known. Therefore, we need to promote ipernity. There are many ways to do this. Some of them have already been put in place. But we need someone who has a little time to keep these activities alive. New ways of promoting ipernity could also be found. Advisors would coordinate with the team, but have autonomy to run their own projects. There is…

  • 2023 Candidatures for the Board

    ima team
    We look forward to the members confirming these appointments at the IGA. In reply to our various calls for candidatures for the mandates of President, Vice President, Webmaster and Moderator the following persons have come forward: William Sutherland - as President. Current incumbent, standing for re-election No one has come forward for Vice-President. Rob Stamp - as Webmaster. In the role previously, standing again Laura…

  • 2023-03-03 Club News

    1) It's spring now! Seasonally fitting, we now welcome all visitors to our website with the spring pictures you provided. Thank you for your support! You can watch all the current spring pictures as a slideshow on YouTube . 2) Positive news - We are keeping the membership contributions stable. Last year, the expenses for the servers we rent from Amazon Web Service (AWS) increased. (We will provide you with exact figures at the IGA.) Nevertheless, the ima team has agreed not to incr…

  • IGA (ipernity general assembly) 2023

    ima team
    Dear Full Club Members of ipernity, The IGA 2023 will take place on Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 6pm CET. Please check your clock for the correct time in your country. Your time zone ============================================================ We encourage all full club members to attend. ▶️ Follow this link to the sign up procedure . The verification of your identity is only necessary, if you are participating for the first time. Otherwise, we only require an email to im…

  • 2023-01-06 Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, As the world turns, our global membership is experiencing changes in the weather from one season to another. For many it is the cold arriving for winter, but for others the warmth of summer or mild fluctuations at their equatorial locals. Whichever way your seasons flow, we wish you a Happy New Year! 1) User Interface Improvements. 1a) Membership renewal by bank transfer. In an effort to make the method for bank transfer membership re…

  • 2022-10-21 Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Let's get up and dance! Request for music suggestions for the winter slideshow uploaded to YouTube. There was feedback that the music chosen for the autumn slideshow was too melancholic. For the winter, 'Chris de Burgh / When Winter Comes' is envisaged. Do you have a better idea? Make your suggestions in a comment below. Note : Proposals need to be instrumental music of about 3 minutes duration. The music should be accompanying music…

  • 2022-10-07 Club News

    2022 World Photography Day - random pick - by angelique
    Photo contribution from 2022 World Photography Day Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) World Photography Day. Our event on August 19, 2022 was a joyous success. Over 50 members participated. With photographs from Austria to Australia, from Poland to Peru - over 12 countries are represented - truly a World event!! Contributions can be viewed in the group World Photography Day . If you have interest in how the event will be run next year, please add to the discussion in the g…

  • 2022-03-04 Club News

    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.)…

  • 2021-12-31 Happy New Year

    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.)…

  • 2021-04-22 Server Maintenance ⚠️

    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, A server hardware replacement will take place between 12:00 and 14:00 CEST on Friday 23, April 2021 . This will result in a short downtime (5 to 10 minutes) of our website. We ask for your understanding. Your ima team

  • 2021-04-02 Club News

    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Last Sunday, March 29, 2021, the Ipernity General Assembly 2021 took place. The previous Board of our Association was discharged for its activities in 2020. The p…


    Notes: Header Illustration created from stock images purchased from Shutterstock®. Story is a narrative of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. The United States has been invaded. The Coronavirus has taken over the White House. To deceive the American people, officials claim it “snuck” in. Maybe the secret service is to blame for sleeping on the job! If it was only so! The President threw open every door and window and invited it in. Now the Coronavirus controls the country’…

  • 2020-01-24 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Since the option of taking out multi-year subscriptions with ipernity has been available, more than 100 club members have made use of it. We would like to thank them all for the confidence they have expressed in the future of ipernity by this. 2) As a result of these multi-year subscriptions, more than 11,000 EUR have been contributed into the club treasury ahead of schedule. In order to place this liquidity advantageously, we are convertin…

  • 2019-09-27 Newsflash (updated)

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) A few days ago, ipernity was exposed to a massive attack by Russian spam bots, who managed to overcome the Google Captcha authentication. Despite immediate countermeasures, some intruders managed to open accounts from which iper mails with links to pornographic content were sent to members. But at no time was any personal data or private contents compromised by this bot attack . Please delete any messages delivered to your personal address wi…

21 articles in total