cp_u's most read articles


    - 1 330 visits
    Dear friends, please stay! I do not believe it is helpful to panic, escape from Ipernity, and build refugee communities on other platforms. In order to stay in contact with each other you do not need to escape; you should better stay here where we already have this great community and these contacts. To escape at this point is not rational: It is weakening Ipernity. And it weakens our own community. You are already about to split onto different platforms. I am not saying above on the…

  • 11 July 2017: Contract for IMA takeover of the Ipernity Platform

    - 340 visits
    Original post: www.ipernity.com/group/2260604/discuss/187672

  • IMA NEWS 26th MAY 2017

    - 324 visits
    Please feel free to forward or redistribute www.ipernity.com/group/2260604/discuss/187424 = EN = Dear Ipernity Members, This is to give you a short update regarding our conversations with Christophe Ruelle in his role as the CEO of Ipernity S.A. We are still in discussions with Christophe Ruelle about different aspects of the conditions and implementation of the transfer of the ipernity platform to IMA. The transfer of the platform has not yet started. It is still Ipernity…

  • How free is a free site? - BK's Article

    - 310 visits
    Please see Boarischer Krautmo's Articel: How free is a free site? Why a user owned and operated platform is probably the best organisation model for a social community both in terms of costs and privacy. For the discussion please visit the original article.