Group: Group of the Visual Poets (2 photos/day, no invite needed :)

Only contributions by Berny are shown | Display all contributions of the group

Escape from Alcatraz

almost falling asleep

give me the blue

strange meeting in the sky

2 faces in the sky

Deep In The Wood

b l a c k - b a c k y a r d

p l e a s e

1 1149

Little Lake

intense love of 2 grey crocodiles

Mirror, mirror, on the wall...................

The Kitchen Room

A grey day at the old greenhouse - 1

The Last Waltz

Room with outlook

The Pink Kitchen

Autumn Leaves

Kiyomizu-dera Temple



The West Wall

Grey Sunday - Loving Barrels

Grey Sunday - Loneliness

Green Yellow Blue

Invalid Red Chair

Sunset behind black clouds

Snow - Blooms