Group: The Hunting of the Snark


Götz Kluge
By A Götz Kluge club
05 Apr 2014 - 6 comments - 351 visits- Permalink   |   Translate title into English

The Hunting of the Snark Musical written by Mike Batt often is mentioned as an example how the snark inspired musicians.

However, my favourite Snark composition is The Return of The Snark composed by Arne Nordheim for trombone and tape recorder in the year 1987, Norway. (

Here is a version with trombone only:

The topic of this discussion has been edited by Götz Kluge 10 years ago.

Latest comments - All (6)
 Götz Kluge
Götz Kluge club
NYNDK's album, "The Hunting Of The Snark," came out on November 10th, 2009. There is a mix of contemporary classical music and improvisational jazz drawing from Charles Ives, Edvard Grieg, Per Norgard, George Perle, Carl Nielsen, and (here the Snark comes in) Arne Nordheim.
10 years ago.
 Götz Kluge
Götz Kluge club
Bajka: The Bellman's Speech
10 years ago.
 Götz Kluge
Götz Kluge club
Maurice Saylor (2011): The Hunting of the Snark
"Maurice Saylor's setting of Lewis Carroll's 'The Hunting of the Snark' is written for a chorus and 'Snarkestra', Saylor's word for his quirky, misfit pit-band."
10 years ago.
 Götz Kluge
Götz Kluge club
William Mayben: The Hunting of the Snark (between 1974 and 1977?)
Posted by Robert Bennion in a guestbook as obituary for the late William Maiben, 2012-05-28: >>William composed at one time, a piece called overture to "The Hunting of the Snark" which was first partially performed in a computer music laboratory managed by Dr. Alan Ashton later founder of WordPerfect who was also associated with Vladimir Ussachevsky and other University of Utah musicians, such as Ardean Watts, Ercolino Feretti and later chairman Ed Thompson. The partial work was quite attractive, and William was quite secretive about the score which may still exist. ..."<<
10 years ago.
 Götz Kluge
Götz Kluge club
Douglas YOUNG (b.1947)
The Hunting of the Snark (1982)
Peter Easton (narrator)
Douglas Young (piano and percussion)
Leicestershire Chorale
members of Leicestershire Schools Symphony Orchestra/Peter Fletcher
rec. venue not stated, 14 March 1982
British Composers Première Collection - Volume 9
Released: September(?) 2014
9 years ago.

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