Group: AMIS = मित्रों = FRIENDS = 朋友人 = PRIJATELJI

Tangle Of Branches.

Night On The Deck.

Perching Sparrow.

Lovely Cat.

Mates Together.

Misty Morning.

Three Have Opened.

Bonne journée à tous !!!

Gate In Trees

Happily Swimming.

Into The Shadow.

Against The Shed Wall.

ROMA - Foro di Traiano

Pukeko at Matata

The Hills Above.

My Lazy Little Honey!

Choisya Ternata

Hemo Gorge Sculpture.

Kinleith Pulp And Paper Mill

Gathering Nectar

Floral Fence.

Gisbourne town clock .

Lovely Day At The Lake.

Thistle Flower And Seedhead.

Matata Seagull.

Beyond The Fence