Group: Birds of a feather

Black-necked Stilt (juvenile?)

Rufous Hummingbird male / Selasphorus rufus

Swainson's Hawk watching for its next snack

Cage Bird.

Swainson's Hawk / Buteo swainsoni

American Avocets

Wood Duck male / Aix sponsa

Common Nighthawk / Chordeiles minor - threatened s…

How dare you take a photo of me looking like this?

American Avocets / Recurvirostra americana

Swainson's Hawk?

Black-necked Stilt (juvenile?) / Himantopus mexica…

Angry Falcon 1 035

I LOVE owls - in case you didn't know : )

Common Nighthawk / Chordeiles minor - threatened s…

Swainson's Hawk juvenile

Sora with reflections

Broad-winged Hawk

Osprey number 1

Osprey number 2 / Pandion haliaetus

Bald Eagle (29.08.2018)

MG 2199 Envol d' hirondelles (blog) t

Western Kingbird

Western Kingbird