Group: " ALL about : Street@rt "

Mural of Galeria Alternativa.

Boavista Railway Station.

Street art in gallery.

Barcelos Roosters, by Plim.

Mural to São Vicente.

Mural painting.

Wall painting.

Walled door painting.

A child's dream, by Styler.

Wall paintings with quotes.

Crafts achievements.

Reconstitution of scene with dummy.

Intervention by Addfuel.

Seit 1988

Achievement for street parade events.

Street Art.

Street art.

Wie weiter?

Trompe-l'œil on corner building.

Mural of the Municipal School of Music.

Mural of the National Centre of Crafts and Design.

20 Prozent

Countryside scene.


Das Mädchen mit der Blume