Group: Mushrooms & Lichens

Growing out of buried rotting wood in northern Sco…

Growing out of buried rotting wood in northern Sco…

Growing out of buried rotting wood in northern Sco…

Mushroom 2020

The World of Fungi

Der erste kleine Fliegenpilz in diesem Jahr

Polypore soufré


Braunhaariger Tintling II

La bonne souche....!

Kings seat

Coprin chevelu

Chlorophyllum rhacodes - Shaggy Parasol

Refus de distanciation.... mdr

Coprins micacés

Imploded---Sun Chield

Le petit monde des sous-bois

Câlins de Mousserons


Amanite tue mouche

Gemeiner Riesenschirmling

The largest of the autumn -45 cm hat,diameter

Honing zwam