Group: Orange positive

Soleil couchant - Untergehende Sonne - Setting sun

Street and Bench (HFF,HBM)

double HFF--friday 19-1-2024 for everyone

Wednesday Wall

HBM et agréable semaine.


Texel - wo das Meer die Seele berührt

Fische am Haken ...

Winter bouquet... ©UdoSm

The launch (Explored)

a bottle full of sun

Kopflasten VII

It's cold outside.

Renoncule .......belle soirée et bon we mes ami(e)…

Tender on Our Ship

Willkommen Dezember

Sonnenuntergang in Oberschwaben -

As the Sun Sets on 2023

Morgenrot... ©UdoSm

Joyeux Noël à tous, Merry Christmas to all of you