Group: Landscapes and wonderful views

Thunder on the Mountain

Umbrische Landschaft ...

Some more Impressions from the French Alpes


Sierra de La Cabrera.

Wegweiser am Kreisverkehr

Punta de Teno

... und da gehst du nicht rauf! (2*PiP)

Coast Path (PiP)

a Fence for next Friday

Genueser-Brücke in Korsika

Haute Savoie

A Fence for Friday and some Greetings from France

Neeracher Riet

Bernese Oberland

An der L 84 bei Danstedt

Yellowhead Highway, BC Canada

Porthcadjack - The South West Peninsula Coast Path

Fleur d'agave au Couchant

Vers les hauteurs / Summit height signs

Paysage albertain / Alberta landscape

Alberta landscape / Paysage albertain

Exclusivement pour vous mes amis !

Hole in the cliff