Group: 100+ visits

Mural within the 40 years of the 1974 revolution.

Painting on garden's warehouse.

"Visceral", by Violant.

Electricity box.

Fish bones.

A prayer wheel doesn't stop running


"Lusíadas" mural (XII).

Drawing in window frame.

Mural inspired on Projecto Matilha.

Lock of Crestuma-Lever Dam (1985).

Furna do Enxofre (Sulphur Grotto).

Honingbijtje op Bijenvoer...

Trondheim - Nidarosdom

The End of Bologna Fence

Niche on wall.

The 7 Pillars of Wisdom.

Sending bubbles, with love.


Kurort Rathen

Green hairstreak in Love ♥ ~ Groentje (Callophrys…

The door into Mani Keshar Chowk in Patan

Painted canvas applied on indoor wall.

Painted on walled door.

Electricity box.