Group: Du noir et du blanc

Faces 1

Réveil difficile

Fantasy Romance Forever Begins Now

Waverley Abbey ruins X-M1 6

Waverley Abbey Dragon's Teeth Tank Trap X-M1 3

Rome Honeymoon Fuji XE-1 Colosseum 9 mono

Albufeira GR Beach Lift 2

Pensées embrumées

London Water Leak IID 3.5cm Elmar

La Poussai

Le baiser de l'oiseau

Windsor X-E1 Jubilee Sculpture 1

Windsor X-E1 Mayor's Poor Box 1

Windsor X-E1 Signs of the Times 1

Fontainebleau; Château, fontaine


MP4 London Train Reflection

York X-E1 York Minster 12 mono

York X-E1 York Minster 4 demons

Frankfurt December 2013 Bishop