Group: Fountain

Kilmahew Fountain

Kilmahew Fountain

Dintel de los Ríos.

La fontana antica nel porticciolo ligure

Alcazaba (9th century).

Kilmahew Fountain

Alexandra Fountain

Alexandra Fountain

Talha Fountain (Roman, 1st century).

Whyte-Melville Fountain

New Fountain.

Kilmahew Fountain

Frozen Fountain

Kilmahew Fountain

Kilmahew Fountain

Burgas Thermal Fountain - a close approach.

Burgas Thermal Fountain.

Fountain of the Horses and Cathedral's Clock Tower…

Maruja House (inn for pilgrims).

Borgata Ghigo : una fontana e tanti fiori

Les Fonts de Cervières - eau vive

Fountain of Our Lady of Aires (1640).