Group: National ✰ State ✰ Parks ✰ Places

Gable End - Campobello Cottage

Not-Gentle Fountain of Lacy Spray

Rocky Coast in Light and Dark

Battlefield Statue -- General Gouveneur Warren

Battlefield Statue -- General Strong Vincent

A Prickly Topic

Battered by the Seasons

Crest of the Santa Rosas

Blowhole on the Bold Coast

Looking Across Reynolds Brook

Dune Fence Receding Away

toward Passamaquoddy Bay ...

"Leaves of Three, Let it Be!"

Cruising Past the EB Buoy

Spring Springs in Queens

Tusher Tunnel

Koluskap and Beaver

Skana: Orca, Killer Whale

Capilano Park Totems

Worm Fence in the Snow

The Bold Coast

Bold Surf

Massive Headland

Cloudy Reflection

Cold Misty Valley

Birds on Rocks (1)

Half Moon Lake