Group: Birds of America

Great blue heron in a pine tree

Hooded mergansers - Lophodytes cucullatus

Hooded mergansers - Lophodytes cucullatus

Canada geese

A pair of Canada geese visiting my pond

A pair of Canada geese visiting my pond

Assorted finches

Wood duck (Aix sponsa)

Great blue heron fishing by the pond

Ducks on Loakfoma Lake

Sandhill cranes - Wheeler NWR

Sandhill cranes & ducks

Turkey vulture

Turkey vulture

Red-shouldered hawk in pine tree

Vultures on power line at dawn

Black vultures

Green heron

Green heron hunting

Steller's Jay 02

Great blue heron

Steller's Jay

Green heron - Butorides virescens

Great blue heron walking in a pine tree

Black vulture on an electric pole