Group: walls | murs | waende | paredes

Saturday Self-Challenge - Blendensterne

Feuchte Trockenmauer

Mono textures

Prunus dulcis, Almond tree and Ninfa

Post Office Interior (HWW)

flieg - flieg kleiner Schmetterling

HWW: Rundungen

Prunus dulcis, Almong tree HWW

Die Mauer für Mittwoch

an und auf der Mauer

Mauer mit Dekor

Mural of stork and flamingos.

Stork in mural.

Rice harvest on Sado riversides.

Salt pits workers.

Penedos, Misty path

Workers of Alcácer do Sal.

Laundry scene.

Mural of River Sado and the 1945 draw bridge.

Alcácer do Sal and River Sado in mural.

Work on rice field.

Stork in mural.

Martim Longo, HWW