Group: gothic architecture

Ely Cathedral from the railway

York Minster The West End restoration August 1989

York Minster The East End August 1989

York Minster from the south-east August 1989

Westminster Abbey's North Entrance - London - 31.7…

The Belfry - Bruges - 11 6 2005

St Mary Eastbourne sanctuary & east window 18 10 2…

Southwark Cathedral the retro-choir - 12.12.2018

A window of Catholic saints in Bayeux Cathedral -…

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Bayeux exterior - 24.10.2…

Southwark Cathedral nave - looking west - 12.12.20…

The Nave looking east Chichester Cathedral 6 8 201…

The Bell Tower of Chichester Cathedral - 12.4.2011

Chichester Cathedral from the NE - 12.4.2011

Freiberg - Dom St. Marien

Merseburg - Dom

Mücheln - Templerkapelle

Mücheln - Templerkapelle

Halberstadt - Dom zu Halberstadt

Jerichow - Kloster Jerichow

Moudon - Saint-Étienne

Abbey fence - HFF


Brugge - Just another shutterbug :-)


Le Jugement dernier (ou Jour du Seigneur, ou encor…

Liège - Cathédrale Saint-Paul de Liège