Group: Cats ★ des chats ★ Katzen ★ gatti ★ Gatos★ Katoj

20160827 1521b

20160913 3584c

20160907 3099c

20160907 3051c

20160827 1375c

20160904 2820c

20160828 2615c

20160827 1308c

20160820 0873c

20090602 9999 269c

20081026 9999 12c

J'aimerai aussi ... un câlin.... moi, en plus Rola…

20160820 1081c

20151229 9492c

lokakuu6-2007 411c

20151227 8327c

20100815 01600c

Kesakuu6-2007 042b

20160529 3222c

une pensée à notre Titou

kitty loaf

the tenderness from our cat *Chaussette*

My Angel; Mr. Blue Eyes ~ Joshua ~ enjoy the beaut…

a bird outside the window

if i fits, i sits


The cats eat lizards, lizards snails, and we looki…