Group: fisheye_fanatics

Starbucks, 2016

RRS 'Discovery'

Dippy the Dinosaur on Tour

Cenotaph, Levengrove Park, Dumbarton


the way out I - long way

the way out II - emergency exit

the way out III - elevator

St Andrews, Jannettas

St Andrews, South Street and Bell Street

St Andrews, Jannettas, South Street, Wacky Fisheye…

Lady Stair's Close, Edinburgh

Entrance to the General Assembly Hall of the Churc…

Galerie Luise

Kilmahew Fountain, Levengrove Park, Dumbarton

Dumbarton Rock at the Confluence of the River Leve…

A Year Ago Today

Paisley Town Hall and Paisley Abbey (Wacky Fisheye…

Abbey Bridge, Paisley

Paisley Town Hall and the Robert Tannahill Statue

Royal Exchange Square

it was a weir

hydro power