Group: Schmiedeeisen, Metall und Co.

Wassermühle Ellringen

Wassermühle Ellringen

Koe of stier

on a street corner

HFF & a nice WE to all !

HFF and a sunny WE to all!

HFF and a good & healthy WE to all !!

HFF and a great WE!!

crane detail

high in the blue sky

a great HFF to all!

rusty details

HFF and a great WE to all!

HFF & a great WE!!

HFF & a sunny WE to all!!

HFF & a great WE to all !!

HFF & a sunny WE to all!

HeathyFF to all!

the silent watcher

tower crane

CLOSED - HealthyFF to all!!

... l o c k e d ...

HFF and a funny WE to all !!

well protected

HFF & a great WE (vietnamese courtyard)