Group: 30+ Favourites

#44 Dreaming the first ray of sunlight

Afrika !

blue on black

Las Machotas

relax - timeless

Abandoned Trieste - it's cool inside

Morgens um 8

Terrasse Cafe casa oliv

Wilhelminenkoog, Garding

Landscape with Lighthouse

Between Porthcadjack and Basset Cove

HFF, everyone! Happy horse browsing among the blac…

Hamburg, Hamburg !

black weather

Am Puls der Zeit ;)

Hausbesichtigung ;) PiP!

Christel Lechner: „Tischinszenierung“ (PiP)

The Port of Husum

Shadows in the Sand

Wadden Sea

Abandoned Trieste - ship passing slowly

Abandoned Trieste - lost station

Asymmetrische Baukunst? HFF! (PiP)

candle light dinner

May 2017 : Elisa e Irene - New Life in pink -