Group: M A C R O W O R L D

Spitzwegerich Blütenstand. ©UdoSm

Orchid: Bulbophyllum longiflorum. ©UdoSm

Wahrer Bärenklau (Acanthus mollis) ©UdoSm

Lilie. ©UdoSm

I wish everyone a beautiful summer day... and the…

Yamaska ragged robin-2 DSC 4787

toronto don monarch june 2017 DSC 5618



Sehr kleiner Bläuling (etwa 2 cm)

Orchidee. ©UdoSm

Orchideen. ©UdoSm

Tillandsia cyanea. ©UdoSm

Schlangenweg... ©UdoSm

Im Palmenwald. ©UdoSm

Palmen und Bambuswald. ©UdoSm

showy orchis galearis spectabilis st bruno 3 june…

water avens crop St Bruno 2017 05 27

may home celandine DSC 4299

Oh yes, come in my dear... ©UdoSm

may dandelion DSC 4322

Center of a clematis flower. ©UdoSm

Zurechtweisung eines 'Halbstarken'. Rebuke of a '…

Trollblumen. ©UdoSm

Original Allgäuer Kässpatzen. ©UdoSm

Wish everyone a beautiful Sunday. ©UdoSm