Group: Crazy pics and open mind

Pillory - new option for footwear display?

Madness to the right.

Toilet set with flush.

Furniture seat with toilet.

Waiting for repair.

Telephone in the cave.

Moitié manquante / Missing half

Cat with no vertigo.

Mickey poster.

Crazy poster.

Saint Anthony's failure.

Ruins of brothel.

Amore mio ...

- 00 - in vino veritas

Hinteres Sonnwendjoch 1.986m

Street art.

Choco Pessoa.

it´s carnival time! (seen in Malta)

Château de Chenonceau... En livre

Long vacations... See you next year!

Can you play it?

Are you looking at me?

Christmas season decoration.

Crazy commercial mural.

Shorn olive trees.

Ladies' room.