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Camera: Nikon LS-5000
Resolution:300 x 300 dpi
Created on:2018:10:23 22:59:36
Modified on:2018:10:23 23:07:53
Software:Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 6.7 (Macintosh)
Already AppliedTrue
Blacks 2012-11
Clarity 2012+10
Color SpaceUncalibrated
CompressionJPEG (old-style)
Contrast 2012+17
Crop Angle0
Crop Bottom0.984652
Crop Constrain To Warp0
Crop Left0.030696
Crop Right0.9673
Crop Top0.048048
Derived From Document IDC5A32DB340DB0253949B256F89D253 16
Derived From Original Document IDC5A32DB340DB0253949B256F89D253 16
Digital Creation Date/Time2018:10:23 22:59:36
Exif Version0230
Exposure 20120.00
Grain Amount0
Has CropTrue
Has SettingsTrue
Highlights 2012+24
History Actionderived, saved
History Changed/
History Instance IDxmp.iid:dffbc843-60ed-402c-833 a-846d5542a50e
History Parameterssaved to new location
History Software AgentAdobe Photoshop Lightroom 6.7 (Macintosh)
History When2018:10:23 23:07:53+02:00
Image Size1200x810
Lens Manual Distortion Amount0
Lens Profile Enable0
Lens Profile SetupLensDefaults
Luminance Smoothing0
Metadata Date2018:10:23 23:07:53+02:00
Original Document IDC5A32DB340DB0253949B256F89D253 16
Parametric Darks0
Parametric Highlight Split75
Parametric Highlights0
Parametric Lights0
Parametric Midtone Split50
Parametric Shadow Split25
Parametric Shadows0
Perspective Aspect0
Perspective Horizontal0
Perspective Rotate0.0
Perspective Scale100
Perspective Upright0
Perspective Vertical0
Perspective X0.00
Perspective Y0.00
Post Crop Vignette Amount0
Process Version6.7
Resolution Unitinches
Shadows 2012+12
Sharpen Detail40
Sharpen Edge Masking51
Sharpen Radius+1.0
Split Toning Balance0
Split Toning Highlight Hue0
Split Toning Highlight Saturation0
Split Toning Shadow Hue0
Split Toning Shadow Saturation0
Thumbnail Offset370
Tone Curve0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve Blue0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve Green0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve NameLinear
Tone Curve Name 2012Linear
Tone Curve PV20120, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve PV2012 Blue0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve PV2012 Green0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve PV2012 Red0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Curve Red0, 0, 255, 255
Tone Map Strength0
Upright Center Mode0
Upright Center Norm X0.5
Upright Center Norm Y0.5
Upright Focal Length 35mm35
Upright Focal Mode0
Upright Four Segments Count0
Upright PreviewFalse
Upright Transform Count6
Upright Version151388160
Vignette Amount0
Whites 2012-20
XMP ToolkitAdobe XMP Core 5.6-c128 79.159124, 2016/03/18-14:01:55