stoeberhai's photos

Requirements, bans and rules

09 Dec 2012 345
Requirements, bans and rules - one of the most important things in Germany. Before I read this warning plate I didn't know that dogs are using water closets...

Snowy hike-tour around Wiesenbronn

Coffin of Georg Friedrich II.

30 Nov 2012 1 1 289
St. Gumbertus Krypta in Ansbach

White frost

Wayside cross south-east of Hoheim

Brovarsky Allee in Kiew

Between Struha and Zhabyntsi

Somewhere between Chop and Ivano-Frankivs'k

Russian-Orthodox chapel

11 May 2002 1 240
Somewhere between Zaporoshje and Mariupol

Teatime in an Ukrainian train

09 May 2002 1 236
Somewhere between Odessa and Zaporoshje

Potemkin Stairs in Odessa

Market in Mariupol


Spring of river Wiesent

Christian wayside shrine

602 items in total