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  Publication date  /  2019  /  September  /  11   -   193 photos

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shotley church, suffolk (23) cranes for containers…

shotley church, suffolk (22) view across c20 naval…

shotley church, suffolk (20) c18 plasterwork ceili…

shotley church, suffolk (19) c18 plasterwork cheru…

shotley church, suffolk (18) c18 venetian east win…

shotley church, suffolk (17) c18 chancel and arch…

shotley church, suffolk (16) heraldry of the herve…

shotley church, suffolk (15) late c15 roof in nort…

shotley church, suffolk (14)

shotley church, suffolk (13) clear glass throughou…

shotley church, suffolk (12) c18 royal arms of geo…

shotley church, suffolk (11) c18 timber y tracery…

shotley church, suffolk (10) c18 wooden chancel ar…

shotley church, suffolk (9) c18 chancel rebuilt an…

shotley church, suffolk (8) c18 clear glazed chanc…

shotley church, suffolk (7) c18 wooden chancel arc…

shotley church, suffolk (6) c18 communion table, c…

shotley church, suffolk (5) aaron on the c18 rered…

193 items in total