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  Publication date  /  2019  /  August  /  16   -   200 photos

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canterbury cathedral (30) c14 tomb chest of archbi…

canterbury cathedral (29) c14 tomb chest of archbi…

canterbury cathedral (28) c12 blind arcade in the…

canterbury cathedral (27)early c12 walling on step…

canterbury cathedral (26) tern on c17 tomb of will…

canterbury cathedral (25) c17 tomb of william prud…

canterbury cathedral (24)c17 tomb of thomas thornh…

canterbury cathedral (23)c17 tomb of thomas thornh…

canterbury cathedral (22) mid c12 capital in the c…

canterbury cathedral (21) archbishop morton's tomb…

canterbury cathedral (20) mid c12 wall paintings i…

canterbury cathedral (19)mid c12 lion capital in s…

canterbury cathedral (18) mid c12 animal musician…

canterbury cathedral (17)mid c12 wall paintings in…

canterbury cathedral (15)mid c12 lion capital in s…

canterbury cathedral (14)late c12 eastern crypt va…

canterbury cathedral (13)green man mid c12 crypt c…

canterbury cathedral (12)mid c12 crypt capital and…

200 items in total